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Have any of you or your kids had mono?...

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19yo ds probably has mono. He got sick 7 weeks ago with a bad cold, sore throat, fever, and headache. In about a week he was better except for his headache. Now, 7 weeks later he still has a headache. It is always there, sometimes bad, sometimes not so bad. He tires easily, and his head hurts worse when he does a lot.

When he first got sick, they tested him for mono and it came back negative. He got tested again a couple of weeks ago, and out of the 4 things they test for mono, only one came out positive, so because he still has the headache, he was told that it probably is mono.

He had a CT scan done just to make sure there is nothing else wrong, and thankfully it was completely normal.


If the initial mono test had been positive, he would have known to rest more and maybe would be better by now!


So, can someone with mono have a headache for this long?

What have your experiences with mono been?

He goes back to college next week for his sophomore year, and I'm so upset at having to leave him there not all better yet:(


Thank you!

~Sabrina in NY

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I had mono at the end of my Freshman year in college. I had it bad: seven swollen glands on each side of my neck, headache, fever, exhaustion, strep. I was in bed recouperating for weeks at home afterward. Mono can take a while to get over. It sounds like your ds doesn't have a really bad case of it, so that's good. Extra rest and good vitamins will help him regain his strength between now and when he leaves for school. The docs don't usually give you anything for it unless you develop strep because mono is a virus and antibiotics don't help.


One other things he should do is to avoid sports and physical activity. There is risk of spleen rupture with mono.


The typical recovery period is about four weeks. Have you given him advil or tylenol for the headaches? Has he had enough water?

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I had mono as a senior in college. I knew there was something wrong when I started literally falling asleep in classes. I also overslept and missed an exam. Ended up having to drop that class. The other big problem for me was a horrendous sore throat. That was what got me to go into the health center. I did have a headache, but don't remember extensive headaches, but it's been many years. I stayed at school (well, in my apartment - not at home with family) to recouperate. My roommate told me that I would fall asleep in the middle of conversations. It was just an overwhelming need to sleep. I did finish out the semester, and took a very light load during the summer. I didn't work during that period of time and luckily my boss waited for me to come back.

About 8 months later I was re-diagnosed with mono. They say you can't get it more than once, so the doctor figured I had just never fully recovered.


I hope your son feels better soon. Mono is no fun at all!

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I had mono when I was 21 and I had a very severe case. I was on vacation with my family and I said, "Does anyone else have a sore throat?" One week later I was hospitalized with jaundice, swollen with 19 lbs of water weight, and nearly unconscious. The mono had caused hepatitis, which they called monohepatitis. I was tired and weak for a long time. My pattern the following year seemed to be that I was good Monday-Wednesday. By Thursday, I was really dragging. By Friday, I was home sick in bed. It took a long, long time to feel normal again. However, most people have a much easier time with it and seem to bounce back in a few weeks to two months or so. My sympathies to your son. Oh, and as far as the doctors correctly recognizing mono: they almost removed my gallbladder for crying out loud and just hours before the surgery they realized it was actually mono! :banghead:

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My dd tested positive last November for mono. She had a lot of headaches with the mono. She didn't start feeling better until April, but she still is not back to her old self completely. Some days I wonder if she will ever bounce back completely.

I would make sure your ds is drinking plenty of water, eating well, and resting a lot.

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months to recover. That would be a bummer:(

Does anyone know when it is OK to start exercising and regaining some strength? Ds wants to asap! Can you start while you're recovering or do you have to wait until you're all better? He has no swollen glands or tender spleen. His spleen was bever enlarged or tender. I can't imagine months with no physical activity!



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I had mono in high school, but it was really bad (hospitalized.) I went back to normal activities after 3 months and had a bad relapse. He needs to take it easy. Can he start off with eating well and exercise that's not too stressful (walking?)




months to recover. That would be a bummer:(

Does anyone know when it is OK to start exercising and regaining some strength? Ds wants to asap! Can you start while you're recovering or do you have to wait until you're all better? He has no swollen glands or tender spleen. His spleen was bever enlarged or tender. I can't imagine months with no physical activity!



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It started out as a severe sore throat, weakness etc. I developed a horrible headache and extreme tiredness that lasted for 2 months. If I remember correctly I was diagnosed in September and didn't go back to school until after Thanksgiving. This may not be encouraging but on the otherhand I think it is common to have the headache last this long. I remember feeling ok for a few hours but then would have to go back to bed. I had a tutor but could only stay up for 1-2 hours.

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My 17 yo dd had mono last year. She missed 3 weeks of school and was extremely sick for that period of time. At one point she was so week she woke me up crawling from the bathroom. I got out of bed and got her blankie and pillow and spent the rest of the night in the floor with her. I think it took her several months to get back to normal. She did have headaches as well as a really sore throat and fever but I don't remember how long the headaches lasted. I hope your ds feels better soon.

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I agree. It is too soon. He doesn't want to risk a relapse. I would wait at least another month and then start back slowly. He will already be pushing himself when he goes back to school. He shouldn't add exertion on top of that. You would think exercise would help him get better and feel stronger, but it won't. His body needs all its strength to fight the mono.

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