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High school english

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We continue with the Rod and Staff books for 9th and 10th grade. We use the TOG lists for the literature portion as long as they school at home. We use Wordly Wise 3000 as a vocab prep for SAT/ACT. And I outsource writing for at least a year.


If there is a lit class at our co-op, they have the option of taking it. Oldest took British Lit there. Middle is taking Literary Analysis there.


Oldest moved to most classes at the CC this year so no English at home for her senior year.

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What we did for 9th grade is Jensen's Vocabulary, Easy Grammar Plus and a couple of Progeny Press guides my sister had. I do not remember which ones we did specifically in 9th grade but you can choose any books that would interest your child (or go along with your history program). Progeny Press is a Christian based lit guide but if you are looking for something secular Novel Units is also very good. I used a few of those when sd was in high school (they have a larger selection too than is available by Progeny Press).

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For 9th grade, DS uses BJUP Writing & Grammar 8, Writing With Skill 1, and an assigned novel for reading and discussion. Vocab is based on words he doesn't know as he's reading.


For 10th grade we'll cover American Lit following along with Notgrass American History. I'll reinforce with WWS2 (when it's available) and a grammar curric yet to be determined.


In 11th grade we'll cover a semester each using The Art of Poetry and reading/watching assorted plays, combined with grammar reinforcement.


Senior year is a homemade British Lit course that culls from several free online sources and guides.

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I know what you mean! Sigh. This is my rough plan for the next two years anyway.


9th grade:

Lit- A Christmas Carol ,The Hobbit w/free lectures, 1984, Animal Farm, Diary of Anne Frank, To Kill a Mockingbird, (Frankenstein (which she will study again later) for free reading plus others, I’m sure) --read, discuss, write…some lit guides as well (Glencoe, maybe Kolbe).


How to Read a Book


Writing-How to Write an Essay, references- The Art of the Personal Essay and Writer’s Inc.


Vocab for SAT light practice..probably digital (oops, two years..lol)


10th grade:

Lit- perhaps: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Walden, Huck Finn, The Interpretation of Dreams, On the Origin of Species…

Writing- Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle from Memoria Press


Last years of high school, hmmm..

11th..not entirely sure…12th Don Quixote, Pride and Prejudice , Frankenstein (studied deeply this time), Jane Eyre, Shakespeare, Ivanhoe.. something like that.

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9th -Lightning Lit 8 and Wordly Wise

10th -Classical Mythology and More, Wordly Wise, Vocabulary from Classical Roots A and B

11th- SL core 100 LA portion and Literature plus some core 200 literature (some of the classics and Shakespeare), Wordly Wise, Vocabulary from Clasical Roots C and D

12th- Either Language Arts Through Literature Gold edition British Literature or SL core 300 literature and LA with a few core 400 literature books (classics), or Movies as Literature, plus Wordly Wise, and Vocabulary from classical roots E and F

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9th: WWS I, Argument Builder (just started), KISS grammar, MW vocabulary builder (informally), Great Books Ancients for literature


10th (tentative): Argument Builder, Oxford Essential Guide to writing, KISS grammar, MW vocabulary builder (informally), literature? American LIterature and IB English literature guide.


11th (projected): Research paper writing, Linguistics study? Literature may be a course called "Philosophy of Religion and Societies" - read The Republic, Dante's Divine Comedy, Boethius, Utopia? Dystopian literature.


12th (projected): Rhetoric (Classical Rhetoric or Corbett), literature? Maybe to go with a psychology class, Honestly, not thinking that far ahead except for a wild idea here or there.

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Thanks everyone. I guess my problem is that my ds has issues with writing and reading and I just worry that things will be too hard. I don't think he is ready for high school level books. I'm currently looking at Notgrass American history for all of my sons, maybe then I can have both levels to choose from.

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DS is dyslexic so we are just going very slowly. I like Apologia's writing book Jump-In for Reluctant Writers for the way it breaks down the writing process into easy bits . It was a good way to get DS into the idea of writing but I am sure there are other curriculums that would do the same thing. I combined that with Daily Grammer which is a quick grammer exercise to keep up the skills and then I added some reading. This January we have moved onto Excellence in Literature which will end up as English 1 on his transcript. For the difficulty in reading we use audible books. Fortunately the EIL relies on classics so even the audible book versions are pretty affordable. For the writing part we plan for lots of re-writes. I decided that since he is right brained he might understand grammer better in the big picture format of the paper. If Language Arts is not a strong point, I don't see a problem with using that Freshman year for practicing on Writing and Introduction to Literature and Call it English 1. Then you can move onto American Lit, English Lit, and World Lit or something else. Excellence in Literature or Epi Kardia http://www.epikardia.com/our_name.html are two very affordable courses that base the writing part of English on the Literature the student reads. I hope you find something you like.

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Thanks everyone. I guess my problem is that my ds has issues with writing and reading and I just worry that things will be too hard. I don't think he is ready for high school level books. I'm currently looking at Notgrass American history for all of my sons, maybe then I can have both levels to choose from.



This is why using lit guides would be good for you. You can choose books that are at his level and work at his pace.

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