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My 5yo reading - celebrate with me!


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My son started asking for reading lessons at just-turned-4. He was quick to pick up rhyming and blending, so we started in slowly. Once all of those things clicked for my daughter, she took off. This little guy, though, needed a lot more explicit instruction in reading than she did. He was stuck in that sound-it-out stage forever. He learned more phonograms, which was great, but he was still sounding EVERYTHING out.


He's finally gotten to the point where he is reading Sonlight Grade 1 readers with pretty good fluency. I'm very pleased with his progress! He turned five at the end of October.



:hurray: :thumbup: :thumbup1: :w00t: :party:

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Great job to both of you! I have the opposite situation. My oldest just turned six and he has worked at learning how to read. I started teaching him when he turned 4. He did all of 100 Easy lessons (he did every lesson twice so 200 lessons), half of Funnix 2, then we went back to around page 50 of Phonics Pathways and reviewed one page a day for 180 lessons. Now to finish off his kinder year I am having him read 3-4 pages a day if Dancing Bears Fast Track then Dancing Bears C. He can read fluently books like Mercy Watson or Ricky Ricotta but he doesn't have the stamina to read over a chapter of a Magic Tree House at once. My youngest is four and I started him on Funnix a little over a month ago. It is so easy for him. I predict he is going to take off and will learn to read in less than half the time it has taken his brother.

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