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Accupuncture or Chiropractor?

Renthead Mommy

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If the complaint was "My issue is left side hip, butt and neck pain. I guess it's sciatica. I feel like my left side is shorter than my right side." Would you suggest sending the person to a chiropractor or an accupunturist?


I've been to both and I like both. But I've never had sciatica issues before. Which is more sciatica related chiro or accupunture?


This is for a mid thirties, never been pregnant, healthy weight, but slightly larger chested female.


Thank you.

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i think chiro, too. if the chiro doesnt help, you could try the accu, but i'd certainly start w chiro.


i've been waiting to go back to my chiro for a year . . . i hurt my knee and all the limping . . .but the knee never got better. so i tried accu just to get the swelling down, but less swelling turned out to mean more pain . . go figure. anyways, surgery monday if i dont have the flu . . . uggg

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