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Sniff, sputter, cry...I can't find a copy of the teacher's guide.

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I have searched the internet world until I'm done in. NO one is selling a Harold Jacobs Geometry 2nd edition teacher's guide/manual.


Dh is in a lot of trouble with me. The man does.not.like.to.teach.geometry. despite his bachelors in mathematics. It has ALWAYS been my province, my baby, my love and I've been happy with that. Why he would decide to donate my teacher's manual of my dearly beloved, most adored 2nd edition when HE'S NOT TEACHING THE COURSE, I will never know. Why he would donate the manual and NOT the student text is an even greater mystery. At any rate, he is beginning to recognize that this may not be his most happy Valentine's Day since I will not be over this by Thursday.


My choices are - bite the bullet and buy the third edition and gripe and grouse about the "discovery" portion and mumble and complain about the more informal form the proofs take - not that my future computer programming, software engineering, anthropologist/archaeologist on the side child will likely be irreparably harmed by this. This way, dd or her fiance can quickly correct his work. (With the wedding coming up, they are trying to be very helpful to me when they can since dd works nights and much of the planning and all of the details pretty much fall on me.) Or, laborously continue going through thirty problems by hand every day, including working the algebra review problems, to determine his accuracy.


Dd and ds are not geometry loving people. I was looking forward to my next two children who will love it....enthusiastic students, the 2nd edition Jacobs, ahhhhh...love was supposed to be good.


Given that I have two more kids to go through this with and the youngest will be finishing geometry while I'm going through college apps with "that boy" (LOL), I suppose for the ease of my life and in case I have to foist some teaching and correcting in geometry off on DH, I should plan for the future, recognize that my manual is never coming back, and purchase the 3rd edition materials.


I'm feeling, very, very grouchy about this.


Ladies, if you have been hording 2nd edition Jacobs, do not ever part with it. Do not EVER let anyone help you organize and thin out your homeschool books....apparently, some people, when you say "I am only parting with elementary level texts and literature" do not actually put that in their long term memory banks and remember it!!!!! Treasure your 2nd edition text.


Faith - the very grouchy math teacher of the day

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I am guessing you checked with the place it was donated already. No interlibrary loan options?


If there is anyway you can stall and buy time to shop?


Sounds like your DH is under some pressure to do some shopping and present it in a heart shaped box???



Interlibrary loan - nope...we have an absolutely paltry library and they are helpful with NOTHING


Goodwill - already got rid of it.


Yes, and the book should be presented with tickets to the DSO and some SERIOUS dark chocolate truffles! :D



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:hurray: :hurray: :hurray:


I bought 1960's Dolciani Pre-Algebra and Algebra books. The Algebra had odd answers in the back, the Pre-Algebra did not. I used to tutor Algebra and Trig and am good at math, but I want answers so I can have time to cook meals or do laundry. (Or read a book or read these forums...)


I e-mailed sellers and found a copy with answers, well worth the $9!!

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