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Reading is dangerous! Know the signs!


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Oldest showed all the signs with the Percy Jackson series. I could tell he was in trouble, but I didn't know what to do. :001_unsure: He even brought his book to the dinner table! We finally had to have an intervention after he stayed up til 2 in the morning reading several nights in a row. He's recovered for the most part, at least until there is a new RR book out, then we face relapses. :scared:





Rick Riordan does that to my boys too! :tongue_smilie:

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Oldest showed all the signs with the Percy Jackson series. I could tell he was in trouble, but I didn't know what to do. :001_unsure: He even brought his book to the dinner table! We finally had to have an intervention after he stayed up til 2 in the morning reading several nights in a row. He's recovered for the most part, at least until there is a new RR book out, then we face relapses. :scared:




Rick Riordan does that to my boys too! :tongue_smilie:


Um, Rick gets me too. I stalked the postal worker for Mark of Athena and disappeared for most of the day. :coolgleamA:

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I made the mistake of reading Rebecca this week while my dh was out of town. One night, I fed the girls tapioca pudding (dairy free and homemade :) ) with gf chicken nuggets for dinner because I was reading after work and didn't stop in time to make dinner. They couldn't decide if they liked me reading because they got junk for dinner, or they didn't because I was suddenly a "terrible mother." They were both happy when I finished the book. I typically restrict my reading to after they go to bed because reading is dangerous.

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