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Does anyone use Great Courses...

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I asked about this fairly recently and the consensus was that some were more appropriate than others for logic stage. A search would turn up specific recommendations. I will say that oldest DS loved My Favorite Universe. I am definitely going to incorporate more in the next few years. I like the audios, as my kids will listen to anything, it seems. But MFU is on video, so interesting is interesting!

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My new favorite is The Other Side of History: Life in the Ancient World. Best purchase ever! I tried using them as a full curriculum but it didn't work well for us in logic. I might try it again for hs. I bought way too many during the holiday sale. They had some really great deals. I tried to only choose ones that I could use as a supplement.


Can I ask how much you paid for this? It is on sale now, but I am in no rush to by it if it isn't a great deal. Thanks! (you can pm me if you don't want to share online)

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We've used & enjoyed Bob Brier's History of Ancient Egypt and Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, Rufus Fears' Famous Greeks and Famous Romans series, and Linwood Thompson's high school World History. All three of my children like to listen to Brier and Fears in the car. Thompson, of course, must be seen on dvd for the full effect. :)


The Other Side of History looks great. Hadn't seen that one, yet. Thanks for mentioning it!

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We watched all of the Louvre series last year and loved it. It does contain nudity but, having been to the Louvre and seeing the paintings in person, it didn't bother me. There was one lecture that mentioned how er#tic a piece was and I did fast forward through that section.

We watched parts of Mark Twain - the intro, his death, and two sections on books we were reading. I plan to use this one as we read his books, not straight through.


Currently DS is currently watching - and greatly enjoying - the one on Great Structures. I was afraid some of the concepts would be way over his head, but he is very engineer-minded. The diagrams in this video are wonderful for explaining/picturing the concepts.

We are also listening to an audio on the history of jazz music in the car right now. Like the Louvre one, the jazz music talks a bit more about s#xuality than I would like for this age. I'm not a total prude, but I do think some of it is a bit deep for a younger logic age child.

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