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161 cats found (not mistreated) in woman's home

Jeannie in NJ

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wow, the cats were not mistreated, some had eye problems and it did not appear that many of them are spayed or neutered. Can't imagine the noise and such coming from that many cats. I would not want more than my 8 and I have a large home with plenty of room for all 8 of them. But more than 8, hum, NO.


appears to be just the woman (in her 50's) and the 161 cats.

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I bet she is a carrier of the toxoplasma gondii parasite that cats harbor. Ick. Even though 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. are carriers, still ick.


"Studies report links with increased suicide attempts, brain cancer, schizophrenia, traffic accidents, greater odds of having sons, extra height, and unusual opinions about the smell of urine." That last one sounds like a deal breaker.

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Do you have a link to the story? I haven't heard this one. It'll make my hubby feel better. He just had to do a house clean out for a landlord. His tenant had passed away and she had 18 cats in 900 square feet! Not his usual sort of work (business gets a little slow for us in winter, so he took this job on) and I know he does not want to repeat it!

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Not that I condone it AT ALL... That is an insane number if animals...(in fact, I don't like cats LOL), but if they were in good health, as the article states, and were not bring mistreated, I wonder why they were rescued.



I don't see how one person could care for that many cats. Between feeding, litterbox cleaning, and petting, there just aren't enough hours in the day. Plus, I'm guessing that number would violate any city ordinance.

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Jessica, I don't know how to do a link but on the yahoo. news page, there is a list on the right side of most visited internet sites and it was listed there to click on.


ChristusG, I am thinking maybe the owner realized she was overwhelmed and called the rescue groups. Just a guess or someone she knows knew she was overwhelmed (she must have been) and called rescue. It said in the article that several , as in 12 or so,rescue groups are taking the cats.

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I don't see how one person could care for that many cats. Between feeding, litterbox cleaning, and petting, there just aren't enough hours in the day. Plus, I'm guessing that number would violate any city ordinance.


I don't see how either. How could you even track that many cats and truly know if one was having a health issue, if they had all eaten or if some were being kept from the food by other cats, etc. And not having them spayed and neutered so they could further contribute to the cat overpopulation problem is neglectful and does not indicate that the owner put the cats' health and safety first.


ETA: We have 3 cats and 3 litter boxes. How many boxes would you need for that many cats?! You'd spend all day cleaning litter boxes if you really had enough for them. Plus, I know from just having 3 cats, that they can get territorial in a group and I'm sure some of the cats peed in places in the house besides their boxes.

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