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Guest inoubliable

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Now that I can breathe after a huge coughing fit brought on by the kernel discussion...I second MyCrazyHouse's suggestion of the Shoyeido incense. Quality, not too overwhelming (mostly). The jewel series is a good place to start. I like some of their traditional ones, too. Many are reasonably priced.

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Imagine a moist plinth... :laugh:


"Smegma" is my word. Whisper that in my ear and watch me try to swallow my own vomit. Why?? Just why??


I'm guessing you're not a Red Dwarf fan?

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It's a BBC series, sure its around somewhere on the web to watch. This is the BBC website page for it. Most of Series 3 is on bbciplayer.



We were initially promised a subscription-based iPlayer in the US for two summers ago. Nada. :glare:

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Pretend you're talking to a 41 year old woman who just barely knows how to add Netflix to her Bluray player, which doesn't really play Bluerays. :D



You're a young'un. :tongue_smilie:


Red Dwarf is a BBC (now Dave) sci-fi sitcom. It was shown on at least some PBS stations in the US, probably mostly in the 90s. "Smeg" is the main character's epithet of choice.

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You're a young'un. :tongue_smilie:


Red Dwarf is a BBC (now Dave) sci-fi sitcom. It was shown on at least some PBS stations in the US, probably mostly in the 90s. "Smeg" is the main character's epithet of choice.




Ok, I cannot watch it just for that. No way. No how.

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Ok, I cannot watch it just for that. No way. No how.


The bonus material for one of the DVDs contains a clip of a Q&A from a con somewhere in which a young boy asks the cast what "smeg" means. They promptly dropped to the floor and crawled away.

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The bonus material for one of the DVDs contains a clip of a Q&A from a con somewhere in which a young boy asks the cast what "smeg" means. They promptly dropped to the floor and crawled away.


Why??! Why would you want that to be your name?? That's like having Captain Poop swoop in rescue people. :laugh:


I think I'll stick with Captains Picard and Janeway.

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Why??! Why would you want that to be your name?? That's like having Captain Poop swoop in rescue people. :laugh:


I think I'll stick with Captains Picard and Janeway.


Not a name, actually not always a hurled epithet... more generally an adjective like "bloody." The character who says it most often is called Lister.

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Imagine a moist plinth... :laugh:


"Smegma" is my word. Whisper that in my ear and watch me try to swallow my own vomit. Why?? Just why??


I just googled smegma because I have never heard that word. I'm really close to throwing up now.


And popcorn will never ever be the same to me. lol

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Guest inoubliable

I just googled smegma because I have never heard that word. I'm really close to throwing up now.



I just had a minute to google that, too. *hork*

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i feel like i learned the word smegma in high school health? cant be . . .but it always was a big gag-inducing for me, too. moist, tho, just makes me think of brownies . . . the really dark, dense, chewy kind, not the dry and cakey kind.

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Well now I want brownies. Dammit.



Think carefully before you answer. You have but one chance.


With nuts, or without?

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I just googled smegma because I have never heard that word. I'm really close to throwing up now.


And popcorn will never ever be the same to me. lol



About 6-8 years ago, some idiot woman wrote a book that was banned or simply not purchased by any library that had the least bit of common sense. It was essentially one lunatic woman's manifesto against society's norms against over cleanliness and that word was in that book quite a bit. The book was so disgusting, I never made it to page 30 and I have a STRONG stomach.


I once had a human liver in my refrigerator until my DH could get it to Ann Arbor as a favor to an old professor there. And that didn't bug me in the least. I can pick up duck/rabbit/dog/human poop while eating a sandwich. But that maniac? Good god I hope she's dead because she was bat$%#!%$# crazy. She put her fingers places and enjoyed putting them in other orifices like nothing I have ever read before or since. And hope to never ponder again.


I have blocked the title but it was a small book and it had a red cover. And she made the woman who wrote 50 Shades look like Dickens. :laugh:

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Guest inoubliable

Mkay....so now I have to go with DH to pick up some headlight bulbs for the van... hopefully I can delete mental pictures while I'm cruising through the aisles at Pepboys.

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About 6-8 years ago, some idiot woman wrote a book that was banned or simply not purchased by any library that had the least bit of common sense. It was essentially one lunatic woman's manifesto against society's norms against over cleanliness and that word was in that book quite a bit. The book was so disgusting, I never made it to page 30 and I have a STRONG stomach.


I once had a human liver in my refrigerator until my DH could get it to Ann Arbor as a favor to an old professor there. And that didn't bug me in the least. I can pick up duck/rabbit/dog/human poop while eating a sandwich. But that maniac? Good god I hope she's dead because she was bat$%#!%$# crazy. She put her fingers places and enjoyed putting them in other orifices like nothing I have ever read before or since. And hope to never ponder again.


I have blocked the title but it was a small book and it had a red cover. And she made the woman who wrote 50 Shades look like Dickens. :laugh:



I have no idea if I'm intrigued or repulsed right now. I think both.


Did someone say brownies?

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I have no idea if I'm intrigued or repulsed right now. I think both.


Did someone say brownies?



THAT'S why I got it!!! A couple of my more radical feminist friends had read it so I thought, "M'kay. I'll give it a whirl."


And that your Honor, is how I found out I'll forever be a Second Wave feminist.


It's called, Wetlands. I had to go on amazon and search my least favorite word to find it again. Trust me. The description of the book - which WILL make you nauseaous enough - does not do the book justice. It's worse. A million times worse.


It's the only time in my life I've actually actually just thrown a book away. I tossed it literally in with the cat litter and some junk mail with my name on it. I was afraid if I recycled it, that some poor soul would pull it out of the bin just to take a look.


I once bet a group of women even younger than myself that I'd pay $100 to anyone who could finish the book without throwing up. No one took me up on it.


And I've never looked at public toilet seats the same way again. I have to be in danger of something exploding before I'll use a public restroom.

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Mkay....so now I have to go with DH to pick up some headlight bulbs for the van... hopefully I can delete mental pictures while I'm cruising through the aisles at Pepboys.


Here's something to ponder at Pepboys: moist smegma brownies with nuts. Eewww I can't believe I just typed that. Where's the gagging smiley???

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And I've never looked at public toilet seats the same way again. I have to be in danger of something exploding before I'll use a public restroom.


But I want to know why. And then you'll dare me to read it. And then... will you be OK and I'll have to find someone to read it to lift the curse from me?

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Here's something to ponder at Pepboys: moist smegma brownies with nuts. Eewww I can't believe I just typed that. Where's the gagging smiley???


Eaten on a public toilet.

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THAT'S why I got it!!! A couple of my more radical feminist friends had read it so I thought, "M'kay. I'll give it a whirl."


And that your Honor, is how I found out I'll forever be a Second Wave feminist.


It's called, Wetlands. I had to go on amazon and search my least favorite word to find it again. Trust me. The description of the book - which WILL make you nauseaous enough - does not do the book justice. It's worse. A million times worse.


It's the only time in my life I've actually actually just thrown a book away. I tossed it literally in with the cat litter and some junk mail with my name on it. I was afraid if I recycled it, that some poor soul would pull it out of the bin just to take a look.


I once bet a group of women even younger than myself that I'd pay $100 to anyone who could finish the book without throwing up. No one took me up on it.


And I've never looked at public toilet seats the same way again. I have to be in danger of something exploding before I'll use a public restroom.


There's no way I'd make it through the book. And why would anyone want to?? I have to say I'm intrigued now and I'm going to peek at it on Amazon. It is NOT going on my Amazon list though!!

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There's no way I'd make it through the book. And why would anyone want to?? I have to say I'm intrigued now and I'm going to peek at it on Amazon. It is NOT going on my Amazon list though!!


Certainly not a public one. :D

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Covered in kernels.


Old cobs used to be used for toilet paper.


(Can't believe I'm going there)


ETA: I think I'm going to listen to the little Oompa band in my head for awhile.



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Old cobs used to be used for toilet paper.


(Can't believe I'm going there)


ETA: I think I'm going to listen to the little Oompa band in my head for awhile.




I have the oompa song stuck in my head now. I think I'll be falling asleep with it still there. lol



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Where the heck were you all when I was trying to read this!!!?! I felt incredibly old to be so incredibly SICK just trying to get into it.


I just looked at the reviews and I don't get it. If that's Femenism then count me out. lol

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