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SOCIAL GROUP: The Dark Side for REFORMED Christians

Heather in Neverland

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How is everyone? Can I pray for you?



Great! Youngest dd was married on Friday, we had time to visit with family on Saturday, relaxing Sunday with beautiful weather and today started cleaning, organizing and putting away wedding decorations.

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I know I'm still new around here, but I would definitely appreciate prayer. I did something to my knee a couple of weeks ago, and they're thinking it's a torn meniscus. I should have an mri soon (waiting for insurance to authorize) and then, presumably, surgery. I'm thankful for the many people who are willing to help our family in various ways while I recover, but at the same time, the prospect is just daunting. So, yeah, I would love to have your prayers.

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I know I'm still new around here, but I would definitely appreciate prayer. I did something to my knee a couple of weeks ago, and they're thinking it's a torn meniscus. I should have an mri soon (waiting for insurance to authorize) and then, presumably, surgery. I'm thankful for the many people who are willing to help our family in various ways while I recover, but at the same time, the prospect is just daunting. So, yeah, I would love to have your prayers.


My dh went through this so I know how painful it is. I am sorry you have to go through this!

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I just started Unseduced and Unshaken: The Place of Dignity in a Young Woman's Choices by Rosalie DeRosset. Saw it on Redeemed Reader. Anyone read this?


I reread all of the Anne of Green Gables books over the last week or so. Needed a break from serious reading. :001_smile:

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I know I'm still new around here, but I would definitely appreciate prayer. I did something to my knee a couple of weeks ago, and they're thinking it's a torn meniscus. I should have an mri soon (waiting for insurance to authorize) and then, presumably, surgery. I'm thankful for the many people who are willing to help our family in various ways while I recover, but at the same time, the prospect is just daunting. So, yeah, I would love to have your prayers.


Ouch! Will definitely pray.

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I just started Unseduced and Unshaken: The Place of Dignity in a Young Woman's Choices by Rosalie DeRosset. Saw it on Redeemed Reader. Anyone read this?


I reread all of the Anne of Green Gables books over the last week or so. Needed a break from serious reading. :001_smile:


Never heard of it. Would love to hear what you think.


I recently bought the Anne books for Kindle. They're on my list for rereading. My MIL has the series for M-girl's birthday in October. I want to reacquaint myself. Loved them when I read them moons ago.

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I just started Unseduced and Unshaken: The Place of Dignity in a Young Woman's Choices by Rosalie DeRosset. Saw it on Redeemed Reader. Anyone read this?


I reread all of the Anne of Green Gables books over the last week or so. Needed a break from serious reading. :001_smile:


Sounds good. Looking forward to reading it.

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