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How Many Hour per day 3rd grader

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I am wondering how many hours per day your 3rd grader spends on academics. I am talking about core subjects only, not electives or extras. Right now DS does the following:



I introduce a new rule each day and he randomly reviews 2 previous rules. He masters the new rule and has never had any trouble with the reviews.


Math (multiple parts)

Work on memorizing a fact list (ie multiplication 5 facts)

Introduce and practice new skill (borrowing, carrying etc)

Word problems

Review of previous memorized facts and skills



We do science 1-2 days a week. He is working at the middle school level now. If we did it daily I would not be able to keep up.



Learning map skills. Again no issues learning and retaining.



We work on it at his level.


History is not part of our dailies. He is through the first cycle and I have him doing historical fiction related to the middle ages this year.


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We work from 9-11 without a break and then have recess/lunch/drop off preschooler and then return to work 1-3. Sometimes this includes her independent reading time, and sometimes we add that on top of this 4 hours. During this 4 hours, she completes: math, spelling, grammar, writing, geography, science, and history. We follow this schedule M-TH with Friday being co-op day.

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He works from 9am - 10:30am on core daily work (math, grammar, spelling, Bible, writing). Sometimes he has a few things to finish after a brief recess.


After recess, he either reads his current reading novel, reviews our previous history lesson, reads a science or scholastic news magazine, does a few geography activities or completes an elective (French or typing practice). We break for lunch around 12:30/1pm and start back around 2pm. After lunch we do History or Science depending on the day.


He's always finished by 2:30pm I guess that's around 4 hours of school work (?), but much of it is lying on the couch reading or listening to me read history etc.

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My 3rd grader spends 2-2 1/2 hrs on schoolwork each day. About 90 min of that is basics (math, lang.arts, writing, French) and the remaining 30-60 min is our fun stuff (history, science, art). She is also required to spend 2 hrs reading each day, but she usually reads much more than that.

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My 3rd grader spends 3-4 hours on schoolwork per day. This is including math, English, science, history and French. English and history (they're partly combined) take about two hours per day. The others are 20-40 minutes each. She also has a few chapters of assigned reading per day.

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Our schedule is crazy with classes outside and piano during the day. Still, I would guess that we average about 5 hours/day. He is busy and he is a quick worker. I stay on top of my dd, though. I am often sitting at the table with them or just a yell away. They need me to do that, and I think it helps them stay on task.


Ds does Bible, memory, math, LA (spelling, cursive, typing, grammar, writing), Latin, Greek, and either science or humanities every day. Music and art come as they can on Fridays.

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Thanks! DS spends about an hour to an hour and half on school work. He masters everything. I am not sure if what we are doing is not challenging enough or if I finally found something that presents material in the way he learns.


Well what are you doing? Maybe others who use the same books or curricula as you can tell you their experiences time wise with using it.

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My 3rd grader spends from 9:30-5:30 on school with a little mid-day break. We don't do the same thing everyday and I include electives and PE in that time. I'm not sure how to qualify the time since he is a project-based kid. He may spend an hour on history, but most of the time is spent painting and creating something from the time period. He spends about an hour on PE and an hour on math. He spends about 60-90 minutes on Language Arts and about 30 minutes on foreign language. Science is about 45 minutes and also project-based. Bible is also daily, but I wouldn't really call that academic.


Spending 1-1.5 hours may suit some kids. It would depend on what my kid does with the rest of the day. Is it spent in any organized activities or self-initiated learning? Also, if you are only schooling one child you can avoid the numerous interruptions and distractions that make tasks longer :) It would also depend on the materials you use.

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