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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Halfway through the week - woo hoo!


My list for today:


Clean kitchen :biggrinjester:

Laundry - one load to fold and put away.


Library - 10 am - 12 am. Study room :biggrinjester:

Ds15 - History/Lit paper :biggrinjester:

Dd11 - science reading :biggrinjester:

reading comprehension workbook :biggrinjester:

Math workbook? LOF? :biggrinjester:


Dh - take down kitchen table to schoolroom and stick it somewhere.

Put up shelves. :biggrinjester:

Me - make some semblance of order for the kitchen stuff all piled up in the living room so that we can function.


Latin tutor

Kickboxing on YouTube? Rest?

Work on calendar

Make chiropractor appointment? Dd11 esp. needs it.


Grading :biggrinjester:

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I so need this today! So much to get done!



Fold / put away laundry. It's all clean and 1/2 folded but needs to be finished

Clear off kitchen counters

Meal plan for Thursday / Friday

Clean up / out playroom

Empty Dishwasher

Clean DDs room (hoping to do that while she's at dance tonight)

Figure out what storage options I need from IKEA and start making a list / taking measurements

Place school supplies order on Amazon




Kids fed / dressed / napping

School with DD

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Guest inoubliable

So far:

-made all beds

- vacuumed both bedrooms

- 3 chapters of science done with DS7 and a unit test completed

- finished a book with DS7

- yoga

- opened all the windows in the house (it's in the 50s here today and I can smell other people using their fireplaces! LOL)


To do:

- lunch

- finish ironing on some patches

- go through scrapbook stuff and list things on Craigslist

- drag up two chairs I scored at a yardsale last year from the basement, start with reupholstering them and painting them

- finish another unit of science with DS7

- get DS12 to finish up a chapter in math and a book he's been lingering over

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1:30pm check-in:

I am thoroughly tackling Wednesday and all that it holds in store for me!




get up & dressed



take "daycare child" to her preschool (9am)

2 loads of laundry

take dd15 to & from Spanish class (12:30-2pm)

pick "daycare child" up at preschool (1pm) and play until her mom picks her up at 4pm

go to my bank (make deposits)



pick up dd15 (2pm)

afternoon chores (vacuum, hang delicate laundry that has been laundered, wipe down bathrooms)

exercise (C25K-Week 2, Day 2 + crunches & ab work)

shower & change clothes

go to bank for Girl Scouts (make deposit & order checks)

drop ds off at church for handbell practice (5pm)

meet person to buy ipod shuffle for dd5 (5:15)

go to library so dd8 can get some more books

pick up ds


kitchen clean-up

go to work (8:30pm-12:30am)

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Kitchen cleaned.

Garbage put out

Animal care done.

We are now down at the library (only 5 min from our house) where it is raining instead of snowing like it is at our house on the hill.

:I have organized all my school paperwork.

Dd has finished her science reading. Her complaints about it were almost as long as the reading. . .

She's now doing reading comprehension.

Ds is working on his Augustine paper.


Next up:

Grade geometry, Latin, spelling and handwriting.

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I'm late in again.



School (almost done)

Make new "school" reading time list (free choice) for DD the Elder: science, general history, literature, folktales). Place holds.



Change beds

Change towels

Collect and reshelve books

Cull library books and pick up holds


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I'm in such a grumpy, befuddled mood today...bah.


Done so far - paid bills and put kids' coats in to wash/soak.


Dinner is planned and easy to throw together, so my goal is to finish just one item and then hole myself up with a book or embroidery project. I think I'll go thorough the pantry and cabinet and find all my broken blender parts and throw away. Don't know why I still have them.


Maybe I'll spend some time washing dishes by hand after dinner. The bubbly warm water tends to soothe my agitation. ("Queen of my tub I merrily sing while the white foam raises high...") :)

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2:30 check - in


Dh and dd (with a tiny bit of help from ds and I) have taken out the kitchen table. Then dh and dd mopped the kitchen floor. Then they assembled metal shelving the kitchen for me. It's pretty ugly but we can't afford a badly needed kitchen remodel and things were stacked in untidy boxes before because there just wasn't enough storage room.


I was telling RC that my house has areas (including the kitchen) which is reminiscent of Hoarders. I don't hoard but years of being on Emergency Mode means that there are years of stuff that has piled up without being attended to. I want to thank all of you tacklers because having you tackle things beside me has made such a tremendous difference. I've had some health improvement in the past month - a noticeable increase in stamina - that has allowed me to start to power through stuff. But it is such a huge job that it is overwhelming. I had to stop dh this afternoon and make him understand that yes, we're getting to this stuff but I cannot get it all pretty all at once. There is just too much. I'm in pain now and if I don't stop for a while it will get worse.


I am currently in the process of setting up my 2013 calendar.

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7:50 check in.


The kitchen shelves are now loaded with everything we had dumped in the living room. Dd and I cleaned out a bunch of snack stuff that was just gross. Now stuff is easily reachable and hopefully will be much easier to keep up with.


Latin tutor is here. I'm proud of myself because I figured out what ds had done wrong and she confirmed it!


Going to get a tall cold glass of water and then work some more on the calendar.

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Guest inoubliable

So far:

-made all beds

- vacuumed both bedrooms

- 3 chapters of science done with DS7 and a unit test completed

- finished a book with DS7

- yoga

- opened all the windows in the house (it's in the 50s here today and I can smell other people using their fireplaces! LOL)


To do:

- lunch

- finish ironing on some patches

- go through scrapbook stuff and list things on Craigslist

- drag up two chairs I scored at a yardsale last year from the basement, start with reupholstering them and painting them

- finish another unit of science with DS7

- get DS12 to finish up a chapter in math and a book he's been lingering over


I got distracted. :( I feel very much not all together the last week. It's 11 pm and I'm working on that scrapbook goal right now.

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