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2nd grade, everyday, once a week ect???

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SO I am thinking.....




Language arts



I have to also do the science, health, SOTW.....I really wanna do science and SOTW at least 3 times a week. is that too much? and health just once.


Art we will be taking a class at the local library


Music....i have NO IDEA what to do. lol


Ive got till monday to figure this out!!!!

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We do school 6x a week, it works better for us because the daily time spent is shorter...my dd can not work on seat work for very long. ;-)


We alternate some subjects, like grammar and cursive, ETC and spelling, and phonics and Latin. We also do a daily Tea time (snack lol) and we do Memory work daily and then alternate bible/poetry/art. We typically finish seat work in less than 1.5 hours. She needs to get up and move in between each subject, so I have her run the dog riding her bike or scooter, doing a chore, making me some more coffee ;-) after each subject. Or when she seems like she needs a break. So our daily schedule looks like-




MEP 2 lessons (30 min)

-Walk dog

Cursive (5 min)

Spelling (15 min)


Phonics (5 min)

History (SOTW one day, extra literature the other 2) (20 min)

-Tea Time and snack

Read aloud for (at least) 20 min, her to me and me to her




MEP 1 lesson, Primary Grade Challenge Math or Miquon (30 min)

-Walk the dog

Grammar (10 min)

ETC (10 min)


Latin (5 min)

Science (mom reads text one day and we read extra books/watch videos the other day) (20 min)

-Tea Time

Read aloud




Math-finish any MEP we missed, work on concepts she needs extra practice in, PGCM

-Walk the dog





Read aloud


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We just started 2nd grade. This is what we are doing:


Mon - Thursday

SOTW / God's Design for Science (each 2 days a week)

Bible & Memory Work

CLE Math


FLL (I think this is suppose to be 3 days a week so we will likely skip one day)


Read Aloud - I read to them for 30-45 min

Read to Self - They read to themselves for 45 min

Prima Latina - This is the only thing we have changed between 1st and 2nd grades. It doesn't take that long but it sure seems like our days have gotten a lot longer. I'm still trying to figure this out and try to shorten it up a bit. We may have to wait for this until 3rd grade, when they will hopefully be a bit faster at their work and WWE might not take quite as long.


Friday - homeschool co-op 9-12






They both take swimming lessons, one takes piano lessons and the other takes violin lessons.

They are both in boy scouts and AWANA.

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Don't try to figure it all out by Monday! The nice thing about homeschooling is you can adjust as necessary until it works! So try your plan for one week and if it didn't work, change it for the next week. Don't try to plan out your whole year until you've got a better idea how things will work. You'll find your groove!

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My second grader does:


4 days a week:


-independent reading

-read alouds


-some sort of general skills -- spelling practice, math facts, generic social studies, etc.; when he finishes the current workbook, we'll switch to cursive for general skills

-rotating list of extras -- music study, art (and picture study is every few weeks at co-op), religious biography, Shakespeare


We like history a lot, so we do history pretty much 4 days a week too (and often the read alouds/car audiobooks are correspondent to history -- right now, we're listening to Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief and James Baikkie's Peeps At Many Lands: Egypt). The general aim is SOTW on Monday, the corresponding map work and supplemental books on Tuesday, more supplemental books, activities, and projects Wed. and Thurs., sometimes Fri. It doesn't always happen that way; we might spend more than a week on a topic, or we might do two SOTW chapters in a week, or we might do the map page the same day as SOTW, or we might skip history on days when we're out, but that's the general plan.


1 day a week:



I am really, really pleased with my second grader's year. I really feel like he has a good balance of fun/easily enjoyable stuff, challenge, and skill-building. Two hours a day is usually enough (excluding read alouds), and that seems perfect for him.

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Sotw and science ill be doing with both kids. So I'd love to do those everyday....


We started out alternating science & history, but we have changed to doing both every day and we enjoy it so much more! We only spend about 15-20 minutes on each every day. For example, in history this week we are doing:

M- Read The Persian Cinderella, read the first section from the chapter in SOTW, ask review questions, write narration

T - Read the second section from the chapter, ask review questions, write narration

W - map work from SOTW

Th - coloring page from SOTW, read from Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of Ancient History

F - project


Our day usually goes something like this:

Breakfast/Bible reading (I read while they eat)

Brush teeth/get dressed/chores


Language Arts (spelling, Easy Grammar, Primary Language Lessons on MWF/Easy Grammar, reading comprension, handwriting on Tues/Thurs.)

Break somewhere during LA or right after math for outside play.

Lunch usually falls right before or right after history, depending on how early we started.



Foreign Language (Latin/Spanish on alternating days)

Quiet Reading Time (1 hour ) - This usually starts between 1:30-2:00

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Your plan looks great. You'll be fine. Start out slowly and remember to try to relax and enjoy it. It won't start out perfectly. You and your dd will have to get used to a new kind of relationship. Try to save hands-on things for after the main work is done so that you don't get stressed about finishing a project so that you can start something else. For your first couple of weeks, double check you requires supplies so you have everything you need. Rememer to be flexible and that it will probably take more time than you think. Focus on making getting settled instead of sticking to getting a certain amount of work done at first. It will work out.

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