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Best place to buy reasonably priced ice skates?


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We bought from www.figureskatingstore.com - we purchased riedell skates for my beginner skaters and the children have been happy with them. Dd loved that the boots had a more sporty design than traditional figure skates., Even with postage, it worked out much cheaper than anything we could get here in Australia.

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Figure skates for dd and I. Our local indoor rink is $4 a person for 2 hours and includes skate rental (if you can find your size)



The other thing you can do if you are willing is to find a family with older girls and ask if they have any old skates they'd like to sell or get rid off.

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Depends on the quality of the rental skates. If the rental skates are nice and kept sharp, it's not worth your month to rent. If they're old and scroungy, yes buy. Jackson makes affordable skates that are sort of middle of the road (as in you can get a good pair for less than $100). I think the pair of Jackson Mistique skates I started with was around $70. I always put my dd in good skates, because I didn't want to risk injury. Inexpensive skates will flop at the ankle and fold over if you invert them. That means the wearer isn't getting any ankle support. So just depends on what you're doing as to how much support you need and how much that matters. If you're going to take classes, ask the teacher where they recommend going.

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Lessons are about over for the year :( I need lots of support (weak ankles and pigeon toed) dd doesn't need as much. Her skates are easier to deal with since she uses double blades (they have lots) they have sharpening at the rink but not sure how much it is. We are seeing how much dd likes skating now (so far she loves it). If she continues to like it then we will do lessons in November and get her own skates. I just need my own because the rink doesn't have a lot in my size and the ones they do kinda stink.

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Lessons are about over for the year :( I need lots of support (weak ankles and pigeon toed) dd doesn't need as much. Her skates are easier to deal with since she uses double blades (they have lots) they have sharpening at the rink but not sure how much it is. We are seeing how much dd likes skating now (so far she loves it). If she continues to like it then we will do lessons in November and get her own skates. I just need my own because the rink doesn't have a lot in my size and the ones they do kinda stink.


Why is your Dd using double blades? We have some ex-olympians teaching at our rink and they have explained to me that double blades are a no-no. Even the toddler classes use a single blade. The skate shop at our rink won't even sell them. I agree with Elizabeth, Jackson skates are probably the best way to go.

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So no double blade for her? The next time we go I will have to see if they have single blade in her size then. Why are double blades a no no?



They limit the skater's motion and they have no edge.


Skaters need to learn to turn on inside and outside edges and it can't be done on double blades.

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Ditto no double blades. That would only be for toddlers. A dc of school age should be on proper skates. And since your rink sounds like they have old skates, yes buy your own. Do you have ice all summer or does the rink shut down for summer? If you intend to skate during the summer, buy for her now, yes. If you're not going to skate during the summer, then a month before you get ice go to a good shop to get skates. You don't have to put her in Reidell right now. I think Jackson makes some that would work for a beginner. Actually they make them higher up too. I always put my dd in Reidell, because I was freaky about ankle support. I have all her old skates. I guess I hoped we'd have another girl at some point to wear them, sniff... Anyways, find a good place (university ice rink can be an AWESOME choice) and just talk it through. They know exactly what skates are adequate for what level. Every manufacturer has models for each level. So you shift through the manufacturers to get to the price point that works for you. Jackson aren't so lux, but the price is much better. Don't buy online. You really want to get fitted for this. If they sell a lot of skates, they will have better prices than online anyway. Skates come in *widths* as well as length, so it's something you really want to get fitted for.


Have fun with it! Skating is a good thing, and she's at a great age to pursue it. :)

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