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2013 Writers Group: What are your writing goals for the new year

Robin M

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Since we don't have our social groups yet, checking in here with all our writers. How are you going? Did you meet your goals for 2012? What are your goals for the new year?


Last year, my year of writing deliberately fell apart and I lost that sense of wonder, sense of joy for writing. I've given it quite a bit of thought to why this was so and decided that 2013 will be the year of Writing Mindfully. I will embrace the ebb and flow of my creativity and let my imagination take flight. I will study and contemplate, write and explore, find the joy in creating and editing, and not limit myself.



My goals for 2013




To help with writing mindfully, I will be using Bonnie Neubauer's The Write Brain Workbook: 366 Exercises to liberate your writing to exercise my writing muscles.


Instead of a daily quota for my novel writing word count, I'm going to follow James Scott Bell's advice and establish a weekly word count of 3500 words. Since I hand write everything, on average I usually end up writing 2 full pages at one sitting which is approximately 1000. Invariably I only end up writing 4 or 5 days out of the week so having a weekly word count makes much more sense.


Continuing my personal pursuit of my DYI MFA,I plan on reading and studying the following books:


The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers by Christoper Vogler

Character, Emotion and Viewpoint by Nancy Kress

Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell

Art of War for Writers by James Scott Bell

Echoing Silence: Thomas Merton on the Vocation of Writing by Thomas Merton


Along with reading The Writer's Journey, I plan on taking Mythic Structures courses offered online through Writer's Village University and probably will take the F2K creative writing course again.



Continue to develop and complete the first draft of Green Cross utilizing K.M. Weiland's suggestions in Outlining Your Novel.


Finish editing and polishing Eye in the Ashes and send out for beta reading.


I will be joining A Round of Words in 80 Days again in order to help me establish daily and weekly goals and have some accountability.

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I want to write, but I'm sad to tell you that I spend more time thinking about writing than actually writing anything. I compose phrases and characters and stories in my head all the time, but I'm incredibly lazy and never put them down on paper. I'm starting my master's degree in English and Creative Writing in January with hopes that it will light a fire under my butt.

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I have had resign myself to the fact that this season of my life is just too full of obligation to family needs for me to carve out enough time to make serious progress. Despite a great start and the easiest-to-write plot I've had in years, I crashed and burned yet again on NaNoWriMo. I can do the first two weeks of November, but Thanksgiving and Christmas and school/extended family activities throttle up and it is truly just selfish of me to remain secluded in my writer's nook when I have other responsibilities. I wish NaNo were FebNo. I would take the shorter month with its fewer distractions.


Anyway, my goal is to set no writing goals, but to keep my writing area clean and ready for any spare moment I might find to sit and work. I have one story idea that I really love, but it's rather complicated and requires plotting to be thorough before the writing can flow. I think I'll use my bulletin board to work out details. I guess when I get the wall looking like something out of A Beautiful Mind, I will be out of excuses for not just sitting down to write.

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Well, I have the flu as of yesterday, so much for NYE plans. I did meet some of my 2012 goals and recently organized and prioritized my writing. I sold my first short story, no publication date yet. I will come back and post my 2013 goals when I feel better. My reality is that ds education gets top priority for the next few years. I consider this my honing my skills time.

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This post is very timely for me. I have had a story in me for a few years now that needs to be written. I have attempted to get it out a couple times now, but somewhere around page 30 life gets in the way and my writing is abandoned. Since the story first came to me, the characters have stayed the same but the plot has changed significantly - it has grown in scope and complexity, mostly in my head, but I have spent some time jotting down some story "rules," character descriptions, etc, especially during the last few months. My overall goal this year is to complete a rough draft of the book.


I have a couple writing books that I am currently looking over again: The Productive Writer by Sage Cohen, Plot and Structure, and also Stephen King's book on writing. And I just ordered the following last night (yay for Amazon gift cards):


Becoming a Writer by Dorothea Brand

Time to Write by Kelly Stone

Outlining Your Novel by K.M. Weiland

Line by Line by Claire Cook

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott


And after looking through your list, I am adding The Art of War for Writers by James Scott Bell. :)


My plan for the year is this:


1. Take 6 weeks to: read through the books I've ordered and consolidate my notes; organize a comfortable, productive writing space; and decide on a workable writing schedule.


2. Spend two months outlining my story and the rules for my story (it takes place in the near future and has sci-fi/fantasy elements), and developing my characters.


3. Spend the rest of the year writing. Actually, I would like to finish a first draft before Thanksgiving.


4. Throughout the year, read a lot of books that will provide me with necessary inspiration. Every time I read a good story, I am inspired to write. In addition to a variety of good fiction, I want to read some ancient lit/mythology. I'm counting on the 52 books challenge to keep me accountable here!


5. Figure out what kind of background music (if any) helps create my ideal writing environment and create some playlists. Also, get a good set of earphones. :)


Thank you for creating a place to check in and find some encouragement/motivation! I didn't participate last year, so I'm not sure how this group works.... Do you check in once a week with progress? I'm looking forward to joining with you!


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Oh, wow, that all sounds amazing! I really want to make a start at writing more, and if it's OK I just might copy a few of your ideas. I'd also like to check in with you and anyone else pursuing writing goals. You're very inspiring!


By all means, copy away. The first step is to write. Make time for yourself and sit down and write. Even if it's making a list of ideas. Then the ideas will inspire you.


I want to write, but I'm sad to tell you that I spend more time thinking about writing than actually writing anything. I compose phrases and characters and stories in my head all the time, but I'm incredibly lazy and never put them down on paper. I'm starting my master's degree in English and Creative Writing in January with hopes that it will light a fire under my butt.


Awesome- Good luck with your master's degree. It's something I've been considering. Look forward to hearing about your progress.


I have had resign myself to the fact that this season of my life is just too full of obligation to family needs for me to carve out enough time to make serious progress. Despite a great start and the easiest-to-write plot I've had in years, I crashed and burned yet again on NaNoWriMo. I can do the first two weeks of November, but Thanksgiving and Christmas and school/extended family activities throttle up and it is truly just selfish of me to remain secluded in my writer's nook when I have other responsibilities. I wish NaNo were FebNo. I would take the shorter month with its fewer distractions. Anyway, my goal is to set no writing goals, but to keep my writing area clean and ready for any spare moment I might find to sit and work. I have one story idea that I really love, but it's rather complicated and requires plotting to be thorough before the writing can flow. I think I'll use my bulletin board to work out details. I guess when I get the wall looking like something out of A Beautiful Mind, I will be out of excuses for not just sitting down to write.


Plotting is just as important so plot away. Then take that first step and start writing.


Well, I have the flu as of yesterday, so much for NYE plans. I did meet some of my 2012 goals and recently organized and prioritized my writing. I sold my first short story, no publication date yet. I will come back and post my 2013 goals when I feel better. My reality is that ds education gets top priority for the next few years. I consider this my honing my skills time.


Yeah. Congrats on your short story. So sorry you aren't feeling well. Get better soon.


This post is very timely for me. I have had a story in me for a few years now that needs to be written. I have attempted to get it out a couple times now, but somewhere around page 30 life gets in the way and my writing is abandoned. Since the story first came to me, the characters have stayed the same but the plot has changed significantly - it has grown in scope and complexity, mostly in my head, but I have spent some time jotting down some story "rules," character descriptions, etc, especially during the last few months. My overall goal this year is to complete a rough draft of the book. I have a couple writing books that I am currently looking over again: The Productive Writer by Sage Cohen, Plot and Structure, and also Stephen King's book on writing. And I just ordered the following last night (yay for Amazon gift cards): Becoming a Writer by Dorothea Brand Time to Write by Kelly Stone Outlining Your Novel by K.M. Weiland Line by Line by Claire Cook Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott And after looking through your list, I am adding The Art of War for Writers by James Scott Bell. :) My plan for the year is this: 1. Take 6 weeks to: read through the books I've ordered and consolidate my notes; organize a comfortable, productive writing space; and decide on a workable writing schedule. 2. Spend two months outlining my story and the rules for my story (it takes place in the near future and has sci-fi/fantasy elements), and developing my characters. 3. Spend the rest of the year writing. Actually, I would like to finish a first draft before Thanksgiving. 4. Throughout the year, read a lot of books that will provide me with necessary inspiration. Every time I read a good story, I am inspired to write. In addition to a variety of good fiction, I want to read some ancient lit/mythology. I'm counting on the 52 books challenge to keep me accountable here! 5. Figure out what kind of background music (if any) helps create my ideal writing environment and create some playlists. Also, get a good set of earphones. :) Thank you for creating a place to check in and find some encouragement/motivation! I didn't participate last year, so I'm not sure how this group works.... Do you check in once a week with progress? I'm looking forward to joining with you!


Sounds like you have a good plan. I'm not sure how the group works either - haven't gotten that far yet. :laugh: We all checked in sporadically on the social group. Since they are still down, will have to figure it out. If we have several people who want to do a weekly check in, I'm sure we can come up with one. Do you have a blog? You might want to check out ROW80.

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Sounds like you have a good plan. I'm not sure how the group works either - haven't gotten that far yet. :laugh: We all checked in sporadically on the social group. Since they are still down, will have to figure it out. If we have several people who want to do a weekly check in, I'm sure we can come up with one. Do you have a blog? You might want to check out ROW80.



I do have a blog, but its not public. I am trying to decide if I want to use it to join ROW80. If so I would have to make some changes... but it would be nice to have some outside motivation and meet some more writer friends. Did you join last year? Did you find it beneficial?


Oh, and I like the idea of a weekly check-in - I need the accountability, to be honest. :D

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Oh wow, I didn't know there was a writers group on here! I'm just planning to blog more right now, hoping that leads to other inspiration. Thanks for the links!


That's exactly the reason I started blogging several years ago - to improve my writing. It lead to nanowrimo which lead to me falling in love with writing and trying to write a book or two or three. It certainly inspired me so cheers to more inspiration for you.


I am joining. I don't have a plan yet. I am writing my first parenting book. I want to be finished when the "intern" drops off my LPC so I can publish with full credentials.


Awesome! Best of luck with your parenting book.


I do have a blog, but its not public. I am trying to decide if I want to use it to join ROW80. If so I would have to make some changes... but it would be nice to have some outside motivation and meet some more writer friends. Did you join last year? Did you find it beneficial? Oh, and I like the idea of a weekly check-in - I need the accountability, to be honest. :D


I've been doing ROW80 since it started a couple years ago. It helped me set goals and be accountable for them, introduced me to a wonderful group of writers who are all in different stages of the craft, both published and unpublished. Very encouraging group and well worth joining in.

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I'm a wanna-be writer. I have multiple stories started, and I would really love to finish one. I have a children's book that has been jostling around in my brain for about 7 years now. If I actually get the writing going on it would any of you be interested in reading chapters as I finish them?

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I know it is not perceived very highly, but I am working on churning out online content again. It is writing, and it pays regularly. I am dashing off the 500 word pieces, so don't have to commit to any long term work. For January I am trying to get up to 4 articles a day. After I get it running smoothly, I "might" consider going for more magazine article work and more creative projects. But it sure is hard to step away from the content mills when the tap is flowing...

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I'm upright enough to list some of the goals I've made. I'm going to be looking into ROW80 as well. I'm still defining some goals, like getting more involved in a community.

  • Organize all my works in progress, the physical copies. I have everything from a trilogy to novels to poems. (this is done mostly)
  • Edit at least one major work and send to beta-reader
  • finish and submit at least two short stories
  • back up and organize all files, putting on SD card and put in safe
  • work on structure skills, building better quality sentences (currently going through KISS grammar with ds)
  • explore the art of rhetoric (using Memoria Press Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle right now)
  • study the art of the short story (lecture series from The Great Courses, Masterpieces of Short Fiction, I think that's the title)
  • reread Bradbury's Zen in the Art of Writing
  • Critique and prioritize the editing of existing works
  • work toward better and consistent editing skills
  • write for Textbroker over the summer to hone deadline skills, working within the parameters of an assignment, and to make some money
  • finish reading a few writing books I have lying around. Finding you voice is one I flipped through last night.
  • Read Carl Jung's Man and His Symbols to help with symbolism
  • Continue to write new works, either short stories, one novel, develop essay skills, blogging, and journaling

I started back writing on a regular basis in 2007 as a hobby. I've read a lot of how-to writing books, so I've developed my own system. I found writing software that works for me (Scrivener), and this year I want to dig deeper into the crafting portion of writing. I really, really like the art of creating (it's my therapy), but when ds graduates I'd like to be able to write full-time. I have a lot of personal walls and ceilings to break through before that can be a reality.

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I know it is not perceived very highly, but I am working on churning out online content again. It is writing, and it pays regularly. I am dashing off the 500 word pieces, so don't have to commit to any long term work. For January I am trying to get up to 4 articles a day. After I get it running smoothly, I "might" consider going for more magazine article work and more creative projects. But it sure is hard to step away from the content mills when the tap is flowing...




Where do you find the 500-word assignments? I've looked at Textbroker, and I have a 4 rating with them, but their assignments make no sense to me, and they pay pennies. I'd love to find something better.

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Where do you find the 500-word assignments? I've looked at Textbroker, and I have a 4 rating with them, but their assignments make no sense to me, and they pay pennies. I'd love to find something better.



I use Textbroker too. I worked last summer, but not since. I'm also interested in other avenues, although I do like that TB pays weekly.

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Can I be in?



Open arms! What are you working on?






I meant to post something on sunday but got distracted by decluttering my kid's bedroom. Filled the suv up with bags of toys and clothes and dropped them off at good will a few minutes ago. Time to update to teenage room.


My goal is to write daily when I'm not actively working on a first draft so not going with a specific word count. Doing a modified morning pages/journaling utilizing Sarah Young's Jesus Calling and exercises from The Write Brain Workbook by Bonnie Neubauer. The first is thought provoking and the latter has been fun and I'm enjoying the creative exercises.


Finished reading Chapter one and working on the questions of The Writer's Journey this week for my current work in progress - Eyes in the Ashes. I took a break from Eyes for a while so need to reread in it's entirety and make notes on what needs to be done.

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Open arms! What are you working on?


I'm working on a book on organizing and cleaning that is to be released as an e-book. My IRL Writer's Circle is helping me; I haven't done an e-book release before. I was planning to release it the end of this month, but I have hit a wall and am not working on it like I should be. :tongue_smilie: Time to stop that nonsense and get busy.






I meant to post something on sunday but got distracted by decluttering my kid's bedroom. Filled the suv up with bags of toys and clothes and dropped them off at good will a few minutes ago. Time to update to teenage room.


My goal is to write daily when I'm not actively working on a first draft so not going with a specific word count. Doing a modified morning pages/journaling utilizing Sarah Young's Jesus Calling and exercises from The Write Brain Workbook by Bonnie Neubauer. The first is thought provoking and the latter has been fun and I'm enjoying the creative exercises.


Finished reading Chapter one and working on the questions of The Writer's Journey this week for my current work in progress - Eyes in the Ashes. I took a break from Eyes for a while so need to reread in it's entirety and make notes on what needs to be done.


I have The Write Brain and I LOVED The Writer's Journey. That was one of my favorite writing books of all time!

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Oh! I'm excited to see this group! I don't have a daily or weekly WC goal at the moment. I would love to finish my current WIP (the first draft) by March, but it would take some serious effort. I'm at 44k. Would love to see it at above 80K. I have another manuscript I need to dust off and begin editing. I have another WIP I'm anxious to get back to. Basically, my goal is to WRITE my heart out. Somedays, it seems I could manage pulling off an entry to the Genesis contest, but at this point, I'm going to let that go for another year.

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Where do you find the 500-word assignments? I've looked at Textbroker, and I have a 4 rating with them, but their assignments make no sense to me, and they pay pennies. I'd love to find something better.



When I started, I wrote a couple of articles for Textbroker. Then I used those to apply to Demand Studios. Most of what I write now is for DS. Periodically they go through a meltdown, which they did for the last half of 2012. But they seem to be getting it back together.


I write the 500 word articles that pay $25 - $30 each. DS pays twice a week to my PayPal account. Once a week I send it from my PP to a dedicated checking account I have at my local bank and pay myself. I could do that twice a week, but I am lazy. DS has a lot of different clients these days. I am approved to write for their gardening, pets, parenting, and fitness/alternative health clients. They also have legal, business, medical, automotive, golf, and travel clients but I don't write for them.

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When I started, I wrote a couple of articles for Textbroker. Then I used those to apply to Demand Studios. Most of what I write now is for DS. Periodically they go through a meltdown, which they did for the last half of 2012. But they seem to be getting it back together.


I write the 500 word articles that pay $25 - $30 each. DS pays twice a week to my PayPal account. Once a week I send it from my PP to a dedicated checking account I have at my local bank and pay myself. I could do that twice a week, but I am lazy. DS has a lot of different clients these days. I am approved to write for their gardening, pets, parenting, and fitness/alternative health clients. They also have legal, business, medical, automotive, golf, and travel clients but I don't write for them.



Thank you for the information!

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  • 3 weeks later...

How is it going y'all? I feel like I need to start a new thread kind of like 52 books with a creative exercise or something for each week so we don't all fade back into the wood work. Let me know if you are interested in that and I can post something about the time I put up 52 book a week thread on Sundays.


I am enjoying the heck out of the exercises in the Write - Brain workbook which is really helping my creativity. The exercise this morning involved what four textures came to mind when you think of a slinky and four textures when you think of a scarf. Then use those words in a story that begins with --- Late night city streets were the perfect backdrop for.... Try it and see what you come up with. I'll be polishing up my story and thinking of posting it sometime this week.

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Guest inoubliable

Coming in late. Following. Not sure if I have the time this year to get back into it or not, but I might just get the kick in the pants to do it from lurking here.

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Had a thought this morning of Pen to Paper Writers Circle.


The social group used to be named "Writing Like Your Hair's on Fire" courtesy of Paula (elegantlion) if I recall correctly.





I'll come up with something in the next couple days and start posting a prompt each Sunday. Have a couple good ones in mind already that I've done this week.

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  • 3 months later...

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