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pics of your kids on Facebook?


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Are your children very young? I'm asking because you'll sort of lose control over this by the time they're teens. Teens post photos of themselves with friends all the time, and I've never seen them ask permission of the other kids (or their parents) to do so. However, kids often request that their photos be removed if the photos are especially unflattering.

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Oh, I don't mind if we are out and about, at an event etc. :) That's just part of life.


I'm thinking of people coming into my home for a visit, taking pictures inside my home that are *only* of my children, then posting those on their facebook pages with my kids' names attached. Is that normal? Am I too sensitive on that?


And again, I really don't mind if we are out, at an activity, or with friends. It's just when it's in our home, with pictures that might indicate where we live - like an address or another identifying feature of our neighborhood - that I get antsy and concerned.


I've asked the party that does this to stop, but she has not stopped. She treats my request as paranoid, and ignores it.


Well, technically, she doesn't need your permission. You can ask, you can email Facebook...I think there is a "report" button by posts, but in the end, I'm not sure how much you can do about it. FWIW, it doesn't bother me if anyone posts my kiddos' photos. Why on earth would any one particular individual zero in on my kids' photo out of the ten billion photos out there and take time to track us down to commit some nefarious act. The odds must be staggering.

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