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I have so been in your shoes. :grouphug: Amazingly all of my psychosomatic symptoms and seizures went away after I took my self off of the meds my Dr.s were sure had no side effects that would cause my issues. "It was all stress and attention seeking." I've been seizure free for 2 years. The same time frame I've been off of the meds. My new doctors won't treat my hypothyroidism because all of my labs are low normal. I don't have any answers other than don't give up, keep researching, and find a doctor that will listen.

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When lab results come back normal/negative, why do doctors automatically assume it's all psychological?? I'm so frustrated and feel like I have nowhere to turn for help. :(

Do psychosomatic disorders go into remission for periods up to a year?



In answer to your question, yes they can. Stress can bring them out. *I'm certainly not saying yours are psychosomatic*, but some psychosomatic conditions are so obviously psychosomatic there isn't a question, and they are intermittent-- like the lady who talked like Elmer Fudd any time she was stressed and couldn't control it, and was miserable. Or the woman who barked like a dog and levitated her arms every year on the anniversary of her father's death.


The stats on placebo effect are amazing, too. Both positive and negative placebo effect, like the lady who was consuming 8 percosets a day or more, but when I prescribed an anti-depressant, it was "so powerful" she fainted as she was swallowing her first pill. Man was she angry for having prescribed such a dangerous drug!!

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When lab results come back normal/negative, why do doctors automatically assume it's all psychological?? I'm so frustrated and feel like I have nowhere to turn for help. :(

Do psychosomatic disorders go into remission for periods up to a year?

I just needed to get that out. Arrrgh!

I'm so sorry.


Medicine is still a mans world and women are too emotional to know when they are truly sick.

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I'm actually really glad you've posted this, because I am going through the same thing. Many doctors and tests, test results showing irregularities, yet still I get handed the psychosomatic line. Sigh.

So far, my plan of action is more doctors, and some bitterness and putting off going back.

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:grouphug: :grouphug:


A few years ago I was pregnant, then I miscarried, developed pneumonia, and later had to have a d&c for retained fetal tissue. At my checkup I complained of a band of pain around my chest and feeling like someone was taking my breath away. That started a 6 month odyssey of doctor visits with no answers and one doctor telling me flat out that my problem was psychosomatic and that I "should go home, put your kids into school, take the pain meds you were prescribed, and put your feet up and all of your problems will go away. Oh, and make sure your husband does the dishes for you tonight". Another two months later I worked up the courage to see another doctor because my shoulder had dropped. She believed me!!!! And sent me for an MRI where it was discovered that I had pericarditis (with effusion) and so much fluid around my heart that it had pressed on my spine (the shoulder drop) and they talked about putting in a window to drain the fluid! There had been some harrowing nights behind me where I couldn't sleep laying down because I thought I was suffocating or how I'd pant like I'd just run a marathon just walking from the couch to the bathroom. I wasn't depressed or anxious before the dx but after I sure was! I had suffered through not only incompetent doctors, but many technicians had rolled their eyes at me when the saw me coming for another test. The worst was mil when she got so mad at me for going to "another" doctor's appointment she literally spit at me when she said: "when my father had a heart attack he was beating on the floor with his fist it hurt so bad so whatever you have it can't be that bad because you're walking and talking" .


So if you know something is wrong, keep going. Try all the doctors in town. Get recommendations. Someone will listen. Just take care of yourself in the meantime the best you can.

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I think "psychosomatic" can be medical-speak for "I don't know." Of course, there are some real psychosomatic things, but I'm afraid the "I don't know so it's all in your head" diagnosis is more prevalent than we'd like to think. My sister went through a bunch of GI tests and the doctor put her on a bland diet, but that didn't clear up her symptoms, either. He finally told her she needed to see a psychiatrist. Then, (this was about 35 years ago), I read an article in a women's magazine about lactose intolerance. I realized I had it, and she had it too. The "bland" diet was heavy on the dairy. She didn't need a psychiatrist; she needed a doctor who knew what he was doing.

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