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What to do at almost 40 weeks...


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This is my fourth pregnancy and I have never made it past the 37th week. With the others I just spontaneously went into labor at 37 weeks. I have never experienced this before. I feel great but have a lot of contractions. A lot of painful contractions. They are just not regular yet. I completely expected to have a 3 week old baby by now.


So my question is...what do I do with myself? DD is in the nutcracker this week. Its a 2.5 hour program one hour from home. DD and DS are in the children's program at church with multiple rehearsals in the opposite direction. I still need to do my Christmas shopping. It really is a busy week. I have backup plans for getting kiddos where they need to be, but if I am not in labor do I just take them myself. DH took off from work last week because I had a few nights in a row where I seriously thought labor was imminent, so he has to be at work right now until I am fully in labor.


Silly questions, I know. But, just wondering what everyone else does up until the last minute.

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For my most recent baby I didn't make firm commitments for anything past 37 weeks that way I could back out if needed(I don't remember for sure on the others- although I'm pretty sure we just went on mostly as usual depending on how I felt). We attended events up until I had the baby pretty much, well the last scheduled event was 4 days before and we were there(and labor was 2 days long). I didn't plan on driving away anywhere very far from home(no further than 45 min) as I had a lot of my labor last time(about 2.5 hrs out of 5) in the van and I didn't care to repeat that!

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Thanks for the responses! I am loving these last few weeks really getting to know our little girl. She likes to practice for labor from 2:00-4:30 every morning, which leaves me exhausted during the day. :)


I think I will take today to relax with a little amazon shopping and then hopefully tackle tomorrow with more energy. It can't be much longer.

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For me, I'd just keep right on doing every activity I physically could handle. And if I didn't have an outing planned, I find one. Yes it wore me down a bit but it was a whole lot better than sitting at home day after day "just in case", all that waiting made me neurotic about every little twitch. I'm not due till January and I'm kind of dreading that because there isn't a whole lot to do in January. With my two December babies it was much easier to keep busy up until the last minute.

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I'm 37 weeks (and 4 days!) right now. I can tell you what I'm doing...


I have family coming in this weekend, so I am (very slowly!) preparing for that.



I have a dentist appt on Monday that I do not want to miss, and after that I am going to be walking walking walking, obsessing over how to arrange baby clothes in the dresser drawers (doing that now), rearranging all kitchen cabinets (must happen before baby comes b/c...b/c...b/c it must!), and I will probably do one last sewing spree...and cooking/freezing.



Oh, I need to do some Christmas shopping! Then I can go into labor. At 40 weeks, I will be doing some natural induction if I haven't made some progress.

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