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GACK! New eye doctor. Let the games begin. Prayers please.


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So, the kids are having routine eye checks today - well, so am I as a matter of fact. Normally, this is just a standard thing for most parents.


For us, it is not! Middle ds has a very over-active metabolism and it is a problem that has not been readily solved. He isn't diabetic either and it's a conundrum for his endocrinologist. He is 5'9" tall and weighs 91 lbs. He is very healthy. Unfortunately, it has caused us legal headaches because when medical professionals look at him, their first assumption is that I'm starving him. I have to carry letters from his family physician and his endocrinologist in my purse at all times, plus we keep them in the glove compartments of our vehicles since they do not fit in dh's wallet.


Our previous eye doctor and our current dentist are wonderful. We do not have issues. But, new med professionals and new social workers are maddening and sometimes, if one gets on a real ego trip, frightening. Most of the SW's in our county are truly great people - if the doc says he's healthy, he's healthy and reports don't go farther than phone calls. However, there is one and her attitude can only be represented in scientific notation. If a complaint comes to her ears, doctor's documentation means nothing. The police will be here and I will be on the phone with our attorney and the family physician, bless his heart, will have to call her and light her up! It's unpleasant and though we haven't had a lot of encounters, I can honestly say that I am feeling a little panicky today - something that is not normal for me at all. Though my blood pressure is a healthy range, I just took it and it is not good.


So, if you don't mind, could you say a prayer at 1:00 EST. today that everything goes well and the new doctor will accept our documentation? I hope everything will be okay because our previous eye doc retired and this one bought the practice. DS's files are there along with previous statements from the family doc and endo so I just have my fingers crossed that he peruses the file and life goes on. I especially wish this for ds who is now to the place of being very defensive. The last time he had a dental appointment, he had to see a dentist covering the practice because ours was really sick. Ds walked into the exam room, looked at the doc, and said, "Yah. I get it. I'm skinny. My mom doesn't starve me and I'm tired of being questioned about it. So is she. I'm fine. Leave her alone." (I'm trying to convince him that he shouldn't assume there will be an issue and pleasantness goes over much better than going on the attack before there is any sign of trouble.) My fear for him is that at some point, he will just begin refusing medical care and it will become an issue of DH taking over since ds is taller and stronger than I am.


Thank you hive family!


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Your prayers worked. It went very smoothly. I had my little speech prepared and didn't need it. Ds was on edge, but never had to get his inner bear out. The doc came out to the waiting room, introduced himself, said that he knew we'd been with the other doc for a long time and hoped we'd be comfortable with him too. We went back to the room, he closed the door, and then mentioned that ds's chart had a note on it to the effect that he was supposed to call retired doc before seeing him for the first time. Apparently, they'd had a little chat and everything was a.okay.


He was affable and jolly. Once ds realized it wouldn't be the same old same old, the two of them got along quite well.


I am breathing a sigh of relief.


Thank you all. I do really appreciate it!


Oh, if I've misspelled anything, I won't be back to edit. I can barely see the screen and am typing by rote. They had a cancellation after both ds's were done and so I grabbed it and had my eyes checked. They are still dilated and I can hardly see a thing.



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Your prayers worked. It went very smoothly. I had my little speech prepared and didn't need it. Ds was on edge, but never had to get his inner bear out. The doc came out to the waiting room, introduced himself, said that he knew we'd been with the other doc for a long time and hoped we'd be comfortable with him too. We went back to the room, he closed the door, and then mentioned that ds's chart had a note on it to the effect that he was supposed to call retired doc before seeing him for the first time. Apparently, they'd had a little chat and everything was a.okay.


He was affable and jolly. Once ds realized it wouldn't be the same old same old, the two of them got along quite well.


I am breathing a sigh of relief.


Thank you all. I do really appreciate it!


Oh, if I've misspelled anything, I won't be back to edit. I can barely see the screen and am typing by rote. They had a cancellation after both ds's were done and so I grabbed it and had my eyes checked. They are still dilated and I can hardly see a thing.





It's simply unbelievable to me that you have to carry documentation because you have a skinny kid. Okay, so he is rather skinny but still....what if he were obese? Would that also require a letter?

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