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My puppy learned a cool trick yesterday

Jann in TX

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My white German Shepherd puppy has way too much energy. He LOVES to play ball or frisbee (endlessly). Yesterday when we were playing his frisbee became dirty (and slimy)... when he stopped to get a drink from the water tub (formerly a kids wading pool) I asked him to wash the frisbee off-- he surprised me by tossing it in the water! I was able to get him to 'scrub it' and bring it back! He did this again later in the afternoon and late last night (with his glow in the dark frisbee).


Now if I could just teach him to wash his bowl...


Anyone else have a cool pet trick?

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How cute!


DH taught our 3yo pitbull to nod or shake her head in response to yes/no questions. It's hilarious to watch b/c you can tell she's actually answering the questions. What's especially amusing is when she's told "go to your room" (aka her crate used for sleeping and time out purposes) and she shakes her head "no". I told him it just shows that disobedient children come in all forms!

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Our old bunny (extremely snuggly but not the sharpest Crayon in the box) recently discovered that making noise may bring a human (me), who then may give the bunnies a treat. First he was jingling a toy with a bell on it that they had never played with before, so I went to see what was up. While there, I refilled their water bottle and gave them treats. Next, he found that the clip for connecting the pen together could be raised, then dropped, repeatedly, to make noise. So it's a new discovery for him: make noise, and Mom might come and give treats.



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our labradoodle will "pick a hand" when you give her a treat- we will often put the treat in once hand and then put them behind our back and then bring them out, fist closed and ask her to "pick a hand" and she will put her paw on which hand she thinks the treat is in. If she is wrong, she will then pick the other hand.

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My sweet little dog isn't smart enough to do any of those things. Her biggest trick is jumping up in my arms so I don't have to bend down, but that's just to make her life better so I'll hold her more often. Oh, and she knows we're going in the car or for a walk when I put my flip-flops on. Brilliant, eh?


Still.... :001_wub:

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