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What would cause a child to suddenly lose an eyebrow?


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Yes, this is my Lymes kid. The eyebrow lost is above the eye that seddenly dropped/drooped in her sleep.


The lymes docs mailbox on her phone is full so I wont hear back from her.


The pedi has NO idea?


We leave in hours to go on a little mini trip to celebrate her 13th birthday and she is very upset and self conscious.


I have had her thyroid checked many times. Don't know if the lymes meds can throw the thyroid off. My nurse friend and another suspect thyroid.

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Alopecia is usually not that fast. Is it possible that you have not noticed it. Look at pictures and examine the eyebrows. My niece has alopecia.


I definitely would have noticed, as would she. She woke up a few weeks back and the eye had suddenly dropped. Bells Palsy related to Lymes. Pedi said BP and hairloss aren't related.
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If it is any comfort, my daughter had a couple of quarter-sized patches of hair on her head fall out when she was about 3 and nearing the end of a course of treatment for a positive TB test. I had her at the dermatologist's pronto--I was really panicky about it, and the derm insisted that it was alopecia and not the TB treatment. I (Dr. Mom) was positive that it was the TB med, because the very fine print that no one reads said that the drug could cause drug-induced lupus, a symptom of which is hair loss. Also, she had been on it for 6 months and was on the lower end of the weight range for the dose she was taking, so it made sense to me that she would be having side effects from the accumulation. The derm refused to even consider that it might be the TB med and basically said to hope it was only the intermittent alopecia that comes and goes, not the one that is permanent. I took my daughter off of the TB med ASAP, a few weeks short of the recommended course. That was 10 years ago, and the problem has never reoccurred. Beautiful head of hair ever since. I hope that your daughter's hair loss will be just as fleeting.



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Is it possible that she pulled them out in her sleep? If she has had a lot of stress and anxiety it could be a cause. Otherwise, I would see if you need to lower the dose or change the meds.

If it is any comfort, my daughter had a couple of quarter-sized patches of hair on her head fall out when she was about 3 and nearing the end of a course of treatment for a positive TB test. I had her at the dermatologist's pronto--I was really panicky about it, and the derm insisted that it was alopecia and not the TB treatment. I (Dr. Mom) was positive that it was the TB med, because the very fine print that no one reads said that the drug could cause drug-induced lupus, a symptom of which is hair loss. Also, she had been on it for 6 months and was on the lower end of the weight range for the dose she was taking, so it made sense to me that she would be having side effects from the accumulation. The derm refused to even consider that it might be the TB med and basically said to hope it was only the intermittent alopecia that comes and goes, not the one that is permanent. I took my daughter off of the TB med ASAP, a few weeks short of the recommended course. That was 10 years ago, and the problem has never reoccurred. Beautiful head of hair ever since. I hope that your daughter's hair loss will be just as fleeting.



I am so glad to hear about your daughter. I did read the treatment for lymes could cause this.


Itsheresomewhere: no. It was very itchy all day and when dd went to see if anything was different, almost no eyebrow was left. :(

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Is the the dd that has had a lot of medical issues in the past? I seem to remember fatigue, weakness, etc...(am I imagining this?). Are they sure about the Lyme and bell's palsy? I ask because we have a friend with a similar past (if I'm remembering correctly) and he has myasthenia gravis. It is probably a very long shot and you have everything under control, but I wanted to pass that along to you. I think he even had some sudden hair loss.

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Is the the dd that has had a lot of medical issues in the past? I seem to remember fatigue, weakness, etc...(am I imagining this?). Are they sure about the Lyme and bell's palsy? I ask because we have a friend with a similar past (if I'm remembering correctly) and he has myasthenia gravis. It is probably a very long shot and you have everything under control, but I wanted to pass that along to you. I think he even had some sudden hair loss.


thank you. I will look this up now. Yes, this is the dd with a lot of medical issues but what is weird is that they come and go. She has gone 3 years symptom free, three times. she leads a very normal life but I still wish I knew what was going on with her. thank you - off to google.

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Is the the dd that has had a lot of medical issues in the past? I seem to remember fatigue, weakness, etc...(am I imagining this?). Are they sure about the Lyme and bell's palsy? I ask because we have a friend with a similar past (if I'm remembering correctly) and he has myasthenia gravis. It is probably a very long shot and you have everything under control, but I wanted to pass that along to you. I think he even had some sudden hair loss.


thank you very much but this doesn't sound like her. I hope we get an answer one day. I'd like to pin everything on Lymes but I know in my heart it is not all due to that, but Lymes certainly complicates things.

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