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What are your 17-18 yo boys reading for fun?

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My 17yo enjoys sci-fi and fantasy by these favorite authors:


Terry Pratchett's Discworld series -- some favorites are Going Postal and Guards!Guards! Humorous books -- very British

Brandon Sanderson books, such as the Mistborn series

Partrick Rothfuss Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear

John Scalzi such as Red Shirts or Agent to the Stars These are also humorous books


He also has enjoyed some classic sci fi such as the HP Lovecraft stories, and some of Heinlein's titles


He loves anything written by Bill Bryson -- all non-fiction.

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My 17 yo just finished Dracula and is searching our bookshelves for similar reads, so I will probably send him towards Dumas or maybe The Moonstone by Wilkie Calkins. I am flattered because ds returned to public high school this year and says he misses my literature selections. His class is currently reading Fight Club, which he doesn't much care for. The Scarlet Pimpernel was also a favorite.


For those who have boys that enjoy reading about war, history, and espionage, Alan Furst's books are great.

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I would like some Christmas ideas and am thinking of getting ds some 'for fun' books.



What are some of his favorite books to date?



My 17 yo just finished Dracula and is searching our bookshelves for similar reads, so I will probably send him towards Dumas or maybe The Moonstone by Wilkie Calkins.



My daughter enjoyed Dracula and went on to read several other related books that she enjoyed.

Renfield: Slave of Dracula by Barbara Hambly -- I see that the book appears to be out of print, though it's available on Kindle or used. I didn't read it myself so can't speak to content.


The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova -- I see this is on sale at Amazon. Once again, I didn't read it myself so can't speak to content.




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My reader and not so much of a reader boy teens liked books by P.G. Wodehouse (Leave It to Psmith, Jeeves stories, I know they have read others) and my not as much of a reader kid loves Three Men and a Boat (It is online for free if you want to get a preview). They also both liked To Say Nothing of the Dog

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My reader and not so much of a reader boy teens liked books by P.G. Wodehouse (Leave It to Psmith, Jeeves stories, I know they have read others) and my not as much of a reader kid loves Three Men and a Boat (It is online for free if you want to get a preview). They also both liked To Say Nothing of the Dog


Kendall, you always have such great ideas. I completely forgot about Wodehouse, which is perfect for our house.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. What wonderful ideas. You are all truly a blessing. I could almost see all those late teen boys with their books. I am just in the beginning of the late teen years, with 2 kids at once, so it is sometimes a scary ride, and sometimes a joyous one. I am blessed to have the wisdom of those who have gone before me.

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