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Dr hive... What just happened?

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Quite a bit of TMI, I apologize.


I put ds in bed a little while ago and all of a sudden i felt like i was going to be sick. Went in the upstairs bathroom, nothing happened so i went downstairs to be away from the kids.


I sat in front of the toilet feeling on the verge of passing out. I decided to sit on the floor so if i did pass out, i wouldn't hit my head so hard.


The i felt like it was going to come out of both ends IYKWIM so i sat on the toilet with the garbage in front of me. Still nothing happened but i was nauseous (sp?) and still near passing out.


I got really hot and sweaty and put my head on the dehumidifier in front of the toilet until whatever it was passed.


It passed but i feel weak-ish. The whole thing from slightly sick feeling to now was about 45 minutes. The worst of it was a good 10 minutes.


If the kids were sleeping, i probably would have laid down on the living room floor. But I didnt want to chance them seeing me and being worried, so i stayed in the bathroom.


My hearing was weird. It was almost crackly but really, really clear and sensitive.


What in the world just happened?

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Nothing came out of either end, so i didnt think food poisoning. The kids ate the same foods as me the last few days, and neither is sick.


I did go to food because i ate something i shouldn't have, but nothing like this has ever happened when i have cheated with food.


I am pretty much fine now. Just tired and slightly off/weak.

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When I've had this, it was blood sugar. My mom gets the same way. But it sounds like you ate.


Whatever it was, I hope you continue to recover. Maybe try to get some electrolytes.


This is what I was going to say as well. Sometimes it helps it to pass faster if I shovel some food down me.

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It's food related, but the kids are fine so it's just me. :(


Because the kids are fine, i had leftovers for lunch. I thought the sight of would gross me out if it had made me sick. But I was able to eat it fine. And now I'm starting to feel sick.


I know that i cant have gluten, but I've never had an immediate reaction. I think its the stupid gluten and my body has decided that cheating will no longer be tolerated. :( I was doing so well except last night, and lunch, and now I'm paying for it. My only option is to really understand that for whatever bizarre reason, i can no longer have gluten in any way.


Am i allowed to be mad about this?

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Hopefully not too much dwelling. I figured it out just over a year ago, but it was never too bad. Too many days of gluten and I'd start to feel like crap, wake up later than I'd like, and gained a little weight. One gluten meal wasnt so terrible, until now.


Of course I'm probably going to be an idiot and test it again in several months. If it is gluten for sure and produces a third immediate problem, I'll likely get checked out.

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I had something very similar (almost minute-by-minute similar) happen to me over the summer when I ate too much really, REALLY dark chocolate. An hour or two later, we were walking with friends to try to find a restaurant on the boardwalk and I had to stop for a minute because I thought I was going to faint. I had the same feeling of "I need to get to a bathroom RIGHT NOW!" I was able to walk back to our hotel room, while being terrified of puking (or worse) right there on the boardwalk. By the time I got back, I was feeling almost normal again, but weak and a little sweaty and shaky. I definitely didn't have a low blood sugar, and all I can think is that it was my body reacting to the cacao, which I never eat in that proportion. I never did throw up or have to use the toilet. It was frightening.


I think the super-hearing is adrenaline-related. I was having a major adrenaline flood, like I wanted to run at full speed back to the hotel, but I didn't think that would help the situation much, so I stayed calm and walked. It sounds very much like the same thing, and yes, maybe it was the gluten.


:grouphug: Whatever it is, it's really disconcerting! Thankfully, I've not had it happen since (knock on wood). Hopefully yours goes away and never comes back.

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