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Geometry and Algebra II concurrently

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That would depend how quickly you are wanting to finish them. Are they both to be done within one year, or spread out over two? If you want to count them in the same year, you would need to do a lesson per day from each. If you are planning on two years, you can do a 3-2 split alternating every week which one has less/more days.

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That would depend how quickly you are wanting to finish them. Are they both to be done within one year, or spread out over two? If you want to count them in the same year, you would need to do a lesson per day from each. If you are planning on two years, you can do a 3-2 split alternating every week which one has less/more days.


I agree...It is quite variable...depending on goals..


With ds3 we did three days of Geometry and two of Algebra II until January when he started preparing for Swiss tests and he abandoned Alg II altogether....but it gave him a headstart for the following year and helped him not forget his Algebra.


With dd we will start doing Alg II but only one period a week. She too has to prepare for Swiss tests so I'm going to be a little more realistic. We're doing it so that she maintains her Algebra concepts...



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My son is doing math 6 days a week, 3 days (M-W-F) of Algebra and 3 days (T/TH/Sat) of Geometry. He's finishing up his 2nd year of Algebra 1 right now, and will take a Coursera Algebra 1 course in the spring...I expect that he'll start Algebra 2 sometime next summer and work the same schedule until he finishes Geometry (which is going pretty quickly for him at the moment)

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I am thinking of working through both but taking two years to do it. We currently do math 4 days a week simply because we need Fridays to get in lessons and appointments or get to anything I wanted to get finished during the week in history and science. There is no way a 6 day a week math plan is doable in our house.


I think she will really like geometry because she prefers the geometry based problems in her current Alg. 1 course but I am worried about not continuing with Alg.II. I don't want her to forget anything. (I didn't forget in my off year so I don't know why I am worried she will.)

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Our plan is to do Algebra 2 and Geometry concurrently the way we have done Algebra 1 and Counting & Probability------I write out what should be accomplished each week, basically 3 sections of Algebra and 2 of C&P. Dd has been taking that as a suggested minimum and does 4-5 sections of each per week :lol:


She will be finished with the Algebra 1 portion of her text (through ch 13) by Jan 1. We are holding off the later part of C&P until she gets some Algebra 2. I expect by starting Algebra 2 and GEometry concurrently in January she should be through each by the end of the following school year. This works well if she is admitted to the math/science charter high school as she would need to take a placement test in May/June 2014.

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I did this with my daughter over two years. We alternated chapters, which worked out to about 1 1/2 weeks per chapter. We used Chalkdust for both, and it has--I think (it has been a couple of years)--two more chapters of Algebra II than geometry, so we began and ended with Algebra II. It worked out very well for her, and spreading them out helped cement both subjects.



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Alternating chapters is basically what NEM (Singapore) and most of the IGCSE (British) prep books do. That would be the easiest method at our house because of catch up work if we miss a class period. My ds12 could remember to finish the Algebra chapter, maybe, but I guaranty he wouldn't switch to Geometry automatically without something major like the end of a chapter reminding him to.

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