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Dr. Hive - intermittent vomiting in my 3yo?

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Ellie's had 3 incidences of vomiting in the last month. With at least 2 of these incidences, she's vomited multiple time in a few hours and I've assumed it was a stomach bug. I mean, she vomits up the stomach acid or whatever. But after three or four hours, she's up and running and devouring food like nothing happened.


What could cause that? I'm considering making her an appointment with the pedi because its so odd...

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Keep track of what she is eating. Maybe she's intolerant or allergic to something. Thats all I can think of.:confused:


I thought about this. The first vomiting may have been too much dairy. But rounds two and three were 12hrs from eating. Round 2 was ONLY stomach acid and water. :confused:

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That sounds TOTALLY like my youngest dd.


She was very small, slightly underweight. If she went too long without eating - say, if she didn't have a very big dinner - she would wake up with nausea and vomiting. She would only vomit up stomach acid, though, which I always thought was strange.


For a long, long time, I thought she had a stomach bug or something weird.


Turns out, it was ketotic hypoglycemia. We never had to take her to the hospital (some kids get SUCH low blood sugar, they have to go in), but it did affect her growth.


Basically, all we do is make sure she eats! She's back on the growth curve now, and gaining. Most kids grow out of it, to the best of my knowledge.


Hope this helps. PM me if you have any questions!

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What time of day is she vomiting? My ds had vomiting at night and it turned out to be a stomach ulcer. He was 3 when he was diagnosed with an upper endoscopy.


Hope you get some answers!


God Bless,

Elise in NC


Round 2 was about 7-9:30am. Round 3 was 5-8am. Round 1 may be an outlier being after a large meal (dinner) and a fair amount of chocolate milk.


That sounds TOTALLY like my youngest dd.


She was very small, slightly underweight. If she went too long without eating - say, if she didn't have a very big dinner - she would wake up with nausea and vomiting. She would only vomit up stomach acid, though, which I always thought was strange.


For a long, long time, I thought she had a stomach bug or something weird.


Turns out, it was ketotic hypoglycemia. We never had to take her to the hospital (some kids get SUCH low blood sugar, they have to go in), but it did affect her growth.


Basically, all we do is make sure she eats! She's back on the growth curve now, and gaining. Most kids grow out of it, to the best of my knowledge.


Hope this helps. PM me if you have any questions!


I wonder if this is possible as I struggle with hypoglycemia. She did have a sugary drink about 8pm last night, though... And she was up and vomiting at 5 this morning.

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Hope everything goes okay with the doctor!


My youngest had a month a couple of years ago where he had episodes of vomiting at least 4 times in a month. First time was in conjunction with a stomach virus that his brothers gave him. The next few times where out of the blue and only one or two times. The doctor blamed in on multiple viruses which I thought was odd, but it cleared up after that month. Hopefully it's something innocent for you as well. :001_smile:

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But rounds two and three were 12hrs from eating. Round 2 was ONLY stomach acid and water. :confused:


Does her breath smell sweet?


Try to make sure there are shorter intervals between food. :) It's a fairly simple intervention, and if she's a thin active child, it might be that her body can't handle fasting for 12 hours yet.


My younger two are skinny boys. They used to throw up if they went too long without eating. Same thing: They'd throw up several times in the morning, then recover to eat and run around as if nothing was wrong. It's a mild form of hypoglycemia that usually goes away once they get enough body mass, around age 7-8.


It took us FOREVER to figure it out. Once we figured it out, we just made sure that they got a piece of wheat toast with nut butter or some cheese and crackers and fruit before bed, and that they ate first thing in the morning. My youngest still needs to eat a big dinner or eat a snack before bed or he'll feel queasy and headachy in the morning, but my middle has outgrown it altogether.


When we forgot the snack and one of the boys woke up feeling barfy, we'd give a lollipop and some juice (if he could keep it down) to get his blood sugar up.



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You might want to check out cyclic vomiting syndrome's website, see if anything rings a bell. sometimes you have to do the research to educate the ped. I had to do that . .. .


My son had this. Essentially it is a form of migraine. He started at about 2 and a half and it was about five before he was diagnosed. He was too young to tell us that he had a headache leading up to it. After that we would give him an Aleve and pretty much we were able to control it.

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She did have a sugary drink about 8pm last night, though... And she was up and vomiting at 5 this morning.


Actually, this indicates hypoglycemia to me. A ton of sugar can make blood sugar spike, then crash.


You'd want a high-sugar drink or snack to get the blood sugar up in the morning if she needs it. (ETA: Meaning if she wakes up feeling yucky. If she wakes up feeling fine but needs to eat to keep feeling fine, a piece of fruit or toast would be a better choice.) Before bed, she might need foods that will keep blood sugar levels more even.





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