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Our dog was sprayed by a skunk- Help!!

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Our dog was sprayed by a skunk last night.

I pour white vinegar on then her rinsed her.


She still smelled.


Then I put peroxide mixed with baking soda.


She still smelled.


Then I wiped her with apple cider vinegar.


She now smells like vinegar and musky skunk!


We shampooed her last night before bed and she still smells.


The worst part of this mess is that we have our house on the market and we are praying that our house will sells before my husband get transfered to Texas.

If it sells he can withdraw his name and we stay here if not we go.

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I had a huge male collie that was sprayed by a skunk once. I tried all the things you've tried and to no avail. I finally just bought big cans of tomato juice and doused him with it. It helped the most. Sometimes the old remedies are the best remedies. He had a lovely "pink" ruff of fur around his neck for a while because the tomato dyed his white fur, but he smelled better. I'm not sure anything will remove it completely.

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I haven't tried this b/c my dogs haven't been sprayed (knock on wood), but I saw some kind of stuff in the sporting goods store to get the smell off dogs. I don't know what it was called, I just remember walking past it and thinking that I'd have never thought of looking in a sporting goods store for that.




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Whatever you do, don't go walking around your neighborhood with a gun, at night, and not suspect your neighbors won't call the cops! That's exactly what happened to us this past weekend...we didn't have the gun, but our neighbor did...hunting for the skunk that sprayed his dog. Needless to say, 7 cops came with their shotguns loaded! I can make light of it now, but at the time it was very scary. We didn't know it was a pellet gun!

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Mine have been sprayed THREE TIMES in the last couple months! Nothing has worked for us but time. Even when you think it is all gone, when the dog gets hot or wet, the smell will still come out for a long time. Just a bath helps at first to get the very worst of the smell out. But the rest just has to wear off.

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