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Thursday: What can you get done in the next hour?

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I've been inspired by Jean in Newcastle and Halcyon to get off the forum and get some stuff done. Who wants to avoid their computer for the next hour and see what they can get done? We can all report back in with what we got done. Hopefully we can each get at least one thing done that we've been procrastinating.


Who's in? See you in an hour.

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Well, my hour is up! Here is what I managed:



  • straightened/wiped down pantry shelves
  • swept kitchen and under diningroom table
  • took out trash, compost and recycling
  • vacuumed stairs and master bedroom
  • vacuumed entryway runner



Whew! Thanks for the kick in the rear. I'm actually energized to get a bit more done today. Off I go!

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I set the timer for an hour, had the kids watch Whistlefritz, and turned on a podcast. Here's what I got done:


-made my bed

-started a load of laundry

-dish the dishes

-did Tuesday's de-cluttering challenge: silverware drawer


-I also started cleaning out the pantry. I've been putting off cleaning the stuff on the floor of the pantry for about six months, but it only took about 20 minutes to clean! There was a ton of spilled almonds on the floor, a bunch of coconut flakes, and even a marshmallow. I also found the bag of Real Salt that I couldn't find last week. Finally, I emptied the last of the coconut oil out of a five gallon bucket into a smaller container. I have much more space in the pantry now!

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I've been inspired by Jean in Newcastle and Halcyon to get off the forum and get some stuff done. Who wants to avoid their computer for the next hour and see what they can get done? We can all report back in with what we got done. Hopefully we can each get at least one thing done that we've been procrastinating.


Who's in? See you in an hour.


In 15 minutes my break will end and I'll go teach my last co-op class of the day. Yep, wi-fi at co-op!

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Well, it's 8.15 pm here and I've been on the go pretty much non-stop since 7 am. All day, every time I've sat down for 10 mins in front of my computer, someone or something has interrupted me. We've now finished supper and cleared up, DS5 and DS8 are in the bath, DH, DS13 and DS11 are at a concert at the Cathedral, and I'm going to sit here and stare zombie-like at my computer for as long as I like. I'm really going to enjoy reading about how industrious and organised you're all being :D.

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