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please help me. (anyone here in UAE?)

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I live in Abu Dhabi. It's been great here, especially in terms of homeschooling. Nobody gives us a hard time and there are so many cool (and often free) educational opportunities for the kids. There is, however, some talk here that they might require enrollment at schools in connection with the child's visa renewal. I'm not sure if this sort of thing is going to go through (because of a lack of space in schools and some people cannot afford school so they homeschool and other problems.) We are a family that chooses to homeschool and don't base our decision on whether or not we can afford to send our children to school. It's working against me right now because I just don't want to send my children to school, under any circumstances....


I would like to take care of this before a situation ever arises. My ideal situation would be an online/charter school that would give us transcripts if I show them some sort of portfolio or some sort of proof of what we are studying.


Does anyone know of anything like that in the US? I have heard of Bridgeway, but didn't really see anything on their site. Maybe someone can better help me with that?



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We had the possibility of moving to Dubai a couple years ago, and I looked into it. The only legal form of homeschooling is K-12 as I understand it. I'm pretty sure that the homeschooling laws would only apply to nationals though. As an ex-pat you can do what you like with educational choices, no?


this is not true, except in some cases of military where they follow specific laws that apply to military/people attached to the US embassy.


Most ex-pats (anyone not governed by the military/embassy laws) have to follow the laws of whichever country they call home/reside in. One does not get to pick & choose which laws to follow (which is why my own children are now enrolled in on-line schools....).

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As I recall, Kate in Arabia does use Clonlara.


It is my understanding that in the UAE they have different educational laws for citizens and non-citizens, but I am not certain of this. In some Gulf countries, the expat population is larger than the native population. Often education is therefore not a right automatically extended to expat children. In contrast to the idea that education is a mandatory responsibility. These are not immigrants so the govt is less concerned.

Edited by stripe
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this would apply to expats with visas! that's what has me worried..it was in the paper today and that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but i still want to have a plan of action.


When I was looking into this, aside from NAHRS and Conlara, I also found Kolbe Academy which I think allows you to sub your own materials and they'll add it to their transcript/grade report as well.


Also, some states have umbrella schools that you can register with and they'll look over your portfolio and issue a grade report/transcript; I have a friend here who does that through an Umbrella School in Washington state or California; I don't remember exactly. Perhaps that's an option?


I've found Homeschool Legal Defense Association's website to be a good place for links to various resources of this nature, or at least as a starting place.


Best of luck to you.

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This is not Home Schooling, where you are on your own. Texas Tech University ISD (TTUISD) is Distance Learning. They offer courses from Kindergarden thru 12th grade. GL


yep, this is what we ended up choosing as well, though it does not allow the freedom to use your own curriculum. We do like it though!

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