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I've put myself in a time out.

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Election day and PMS. Bad combination. I've also sent the children to read quietly in their room for their own safety. :tongue_smilie: I typed up a snarky response to a FB status update *in MS Word* so that I wouldn't accidentally publish the comment (but seeing it 'in the flesh' helped blow off a little steam). I'm thinking I need to switch gears completely today...maybe go for a loooong drive in the country. :D The kids would all be buckled (and therefore not touching me or getting into trouble) and we could listen to some peaceful music, right?

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Election day and PMS. Bad combination. I've also sent the children to read quietly in their room for their own safety. :tongue_smilie: I typed up a snarky response to a FB status update *in MS Word* so that I wouldn't accidentally publish the comment (but seeing it 'in the flesh' helped blow off a little steam). I'm thinking I need to switch gears completely today...maybe go for a loooong drive in the country. :D The kids would all be buckled (and therefore not touching me or getting into trouble) and we could listen to some peaceful music, right?


I love going for drives on days like that. :grouphug:

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We had a couple days like that last week.


Instead of a long drive in the country, we took a short drive to where the shopping and chocolate are. :tongue_smilie:


(There is something soothing about buying pretty new desk supplies--notepads, book tabs, etc. Maybe it's symbolic of the promise of fresh starts and the hope of better days ahead. . . Of course I just have one girl and she was easily bribed into thinking this was an acceptable way to end a couple of rough days. ;))


This week is much better. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for you! :grouphug:

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We had a couple days like that last week.


Instead of a long drive in the country, we took a short drive to where the shopping and chocolate are. :tongue_smilie:


(There is something soothing about buying pretty new desk supplies--notepads, book tabs, etc. Maybe it's symbolic of the promise of fresh starts and the hope of better days ahead. . . Of course I just have one girl and she was easily bribed into thinking this was an acceptable way to end a couple of rough days. ;))


This week is much better. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for you! :grouphug:


I thought about shopping (because that sounds like fun to me), but sometimes shopping with three crazy boys, a two year old, and an agitated mother is a recipe for disaster. :D

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I feel ya!! I have a major headache and feel all jittery. The stress of this election is really getting to me today. Sadly, half of our country will be elated soon (hopefully! :D) and half will be really depressed. Sigh...


I'm going to take my girls out shopping this evening (spending money will take me out of reality for a while ;)) and then to dinner. Then, I'll come home and have a glass or two of wine. ;)


For good or for bad, at least it will be over soon (once again, I hope!).

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I'm with ya! :grouphug: We're putting up Christmas stuff to cheer everyone up.


OK I like you. Our house is covered in lights already and just today we took out the ornaments to look at. I'm not putting the tree up yet but I washed up the Christmas quilts to put out.


OP I told DH to throw some darts at my ballot with a pen attached, and send it off without telling me about it :lol:

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Election day and PMS. Bad combination. I've also sent the children to read quietly in their room for their own safety. :tongue_smilie: I typed up a snarky response to a FB status update *in MS Word* so that I wouldn't accidentally publish the comment (but seeing it 'in the flesh' helped blow off a little steam). I'm thinking I need to switch gears completely today...maybe go for a loooong drive in the country. :D The kids would all be buckled (and therefore not touching me or getting into trouble) and we could listen to some peaceful music, right?


I know!!! I keep telling myself to bite my tongue for one more day!! People are posting ridiculous things that are making it very hard not to respond. I thought about driving to sonic (which is about 30 min away) but dh would not be thrilled. I've also thought about letting the kids eat all the Halloween candy so that I don't have to listen to them ask for it anymore!

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Yep. Same here. I sent the kids upstairs to the bonus room so "I can have 2 minutes of peace while I try to get these stupid dishes cleaned up and who stuck a plate in the sink half full of food?!" :glare:


Dishes and kitchen are now clean. History lessons have been read. Vocabulary writing done. I'm drinking afternoon coffee and my brain is at peace. :)

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Drive-thru hot chocolate, or a shake. Better yet, fill up on gas and go inside the convince store!


We went on a short drive. First to a convenience store drive-through (soda and an ice cream sandwich for me) and then through the peaceful countryside. Wahoo!! :D


I think I'll make myself a hot chocolate with whipped cream this evening. That sounds so delicious.

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