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Large families with many little ones.....I need encouragement/help!


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I just can't seem to get on the ball with some of my kids. Here we are in NOVEMBER (how'd THAT happen?!!!) and I still don't have science or spelling going for my 7th grader. Here's what our family looks like:

Boy 11th grade - doing everything....he's perfectly fine

Boy 9th grade - doing everything....fine

Boy 7th grade - just doing Math, English, History.....some reading. He HATES reading. He can totally read perfectly fine, just doesn't enjoy it.

Girl 3rd grade - doing everything.....fine

Boy 1st grade - doing reading and phonics. Still haven't done any math. :(

Boy just turned 5 a couple of weeks ago - doing Kindergarten and is doing so well! Just phonics and reading.

Then there's a very active 3 yr old Boy.

Yeah, just one girl.....lol


Soooooo, as you see, I don't have it all together with my 7th grader and not being consistant with my 1st grader.


I just can't seem to do it all. What is wrong with me?????? I'm so burned out, but I want to honor the Lord....knowing this is what He has called for our family. I need spelling, science and reading for my 7th grader who is ants in his pants, easily distracted....yet has NO PROBLEMS learning. It's just me. I can't seem to find the drive or time to figure out what's best for him. I'm so ashamed to even be telling anyone this! UGH!:confused::001_unsure:

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First of all, stop feeling guilty. Anyone who tells you they have it all together all of the time is a liar. :)


Now, some practical advice: combine where you can. Don't try doing 5 different sciences. Pick a science that can be easily adapted or at the least have them all doing the same topic. Same for history. Your older ones should at this point be able to do most of their work independently. Don't feel bad taking advantage of that! If I had that many children that I needed to work with I would have a set schedule. I know some dont do well with them, but they help hold me accountable. And, I would have the older ones help out. I am not one of those "you will steal their childhood by having them help with the littles" moms though. There is no reason your 11th grader can't listen to your 3rd grader read, or even help with math. :)


Last and I don't mean to sound ugly, I am saying this from one Christian sister to another. I was at a point like you are and I only have 3. I thought I couldn't do it, but the truth was I just wouldn't do it. When I stopped wallowing in my self-pity and complaining about how hard it was, and found an accountability partner and just did it things changed dramatically in our home. Now, I am not saying that is what is going on with you, but wanted to throw that out there.

Edited by AnnaM
To add some smiles so I dont sound so mean :) :) :)
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You have 7 children. Most of which are doing fine. Relax.


First, do you NEED a spelling program for your 7th grader? Unless he struggles with very basic spelling I wouldn't even worry about a formal program at this age. Make sure he knows how to use a dictionary or how to look a word up online and move on. Much more valuable at this point would be a good vocabulary program. Sadlier Oxford's Vocabulary Workshop is thorough, open and go, and can be done independently.


By reading do you mean literature? Something like Lightning Literature is good at this stage as a gentle introduction to lit, and can be done fairly independently. If he really dislikes reading you might have better luck with individual lit. studies that you can get from Glencoe (free). There are other free options for these, but I can't think of them off the top of my head...you can do a search here and come up with lots of sites. But that way he could be more choosy about which books he does. I also like to introduce Figuratively Speaking around this age too. This is in a workbook format and introduces literary devices and terms by using excerpts from many different sources. If you can get him to at least read books of interest to him he can keep a notebook of the concepts he learns about in FS and then record passages from his own reading that fit those elements. It's also fun to get students to find those literary elements in the movies they like too. You could look at Movies in Literature if he just will not read, however, I believe that it's designed more for highschool...someone who has used it may be able to say more about it.



Science...I can't help you with a specific program but I can tell you what works for my 7th grader that is focusing on basics this year. She simply reads about and watches documentaries about science topics that interest her. She has to spend 3 hours a week pursuing some type of science learning. There is no rhyme or reason to what she does. Some weeks she watches documentaries all week, some times I will find her looking at various things under the microscope, sometimes she will get books from the library on something that piqued her interest, she spent a long time looking at a relief map of the bottom of the ocean and got interested in underwater volcanic activity...basically science is all interest led at this time. All I know is that she is learning more and retaining more this way than when we tried to do a formal program.


I would definitely try to get some math in with your 1st grader, however, I also understand you not having a lot of time to sit one on one with him. Is there any way you could do beginning math games with the 1st, K and 3yo together? Any possibility of getting one of the older dc to step in and help out? If your 11th and 9th graders could each spend 15-20 minutes helping out with math games, math bingo, adding and subtracting manipulatives, that would be so helpful and really all the youngest two would need. You could then spend another 15 minutes with a formal program for your 1st grader and they'd all be getting plenty of math.



Hope that gives you some ideas. Hang in there and don't be so hard on yourself! :grouphug:

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My kids aren't as old as yours but I have 5 and I can tell you, we have some rough days, too. I agree with the other poster: Combine! I would use something like Simply Charlotte Mason or MFW to combine all of the kids in one history and science cycle or at least the 7th grade on down. Another suggestion: can you do a spelling program online or on the computer (software)? I was just thinking if that is something that your son could use while you teach another child. For math for you 1st grader: I don't know what type of math you prefer. I really like CLE Math but I know there are a lot of great math programs out there. Some people like MUS, Singapore, Saxon ... just depends on your style. Really, nothing stuck before CLE for my son. Make a schedule up and get all the kids on that schedule and try to figure out who is doing what for every hour of the day. Also ... have you tried workboxes? That seems good for a lot of kids who need to be directed to the next activity...that way if you are busy with another child, whoever needs something to do can "do the next box" and you could put stickers on whichever boxes for "work with mom" (depending on which kid it is).


Adding: You could add Dreambox math (or another similar program) for your 1st grader. It is fun for the kids (mine think it is a game) but they are learning math, too!

Edited by mommy5
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may I give some possible suggestions...


I notice with kids who don;t have the drive for themselves are very good at teaching others and that motivates them to stay ahead. He wants little brother/sister to know more than them kind of situation.


How about having 7th grader do some read alouds to the family? This way he gets some reading done and the other kids benefit. Have a family book talk/club. Perhaps he can lead the discussions. You can do it during dinner. Serve 7th grader first and have him eat and then he can read to the family while everyone eats. He can also read books aloud on tape for the younger ones to listen to keep them preoccupied.


Have the 7th grade help the 1st grader with math. Adding/subtracting etc. Flashcards etc Timez Attack works, Dreambox or one of the kids doing fine help with math. Play some math card games.



7th grade spelling--just get one of those county spelling bee list off the county website( i can send you stanislaus county here in California) and you can go through that with him -(I give my kids a pageful of words a day, then I spell it correctly to them and then they study it using the Spelling Power 10 steps and test them on the ones they got wrong the day before and then adding more words to fill a page) and have him find the definition for each word by writing the word, using the word in a sentence and illustrating it.


If your child needs less handholding than that what about the spelling program workbook suggested by the TWTM book. Pretty easy there.


If your child needs more handholding then there is All About Spelling but there are others that might fit age better. I can't think of the name right now but educators publishing has the book.


Science-get some kind of textbook of that grade and just have him read and go through it himself. Science fusion. But again perhaps he may learn more science by reading and explaining things to the younger kids.


Another is teaching science as a group for three grade levels at least. so middle school/high school combine...But for history tapistry of grace or something like that.

Edited by happycc
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I have 5 and they are younger than yours (oldest is in 4th) but the major thing I would do is enlist the help of your oldest two. I would pass off a few homeschooling "jobs" to them. Even if they each only have to do 2 things to help with their siblings (read to Jimmy, help Suzy with math), that's 4 subjects you are free from to help you breathe, and from their perspective that shouldn't be a big deal and might only take 30 minutes or so of their time, depending on what their 2 duties are. If they really really reluctant and you're desperate, I would even consider bribing with a tiny bit of money. Just enough to make it worth it. :lol: Desperate times call for desperate measures.

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Oh, also, teaching textbooks! Even if math is no problem for you to teach, TT makes it so that you just don't have to spend the same amount of time if you need it for other things. It has really helped me a lot.


And workbooks! I have started using more workbooks (oh, the horror! :tongue_smilie:) that the kids can read child-friendly instruction from and do the lessons on their own for the most part. That way they can actually work without me having to jump up in the middle of teaching them for the 100th time. It's less frustrating all around and we move through the material much faster.


Both TT and workbooks help foster the independence that can be a life-saver when you have a lot on your plate.

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If it were ME, and you are not me, so...take it for what it is worth, I'd download Evan-Moor Daily Science 5, for your 7th grader. There is a 6+ book, but I'd save it for next year for him.


You have a full plate here. Considering the REALITY of your situation you are doing an amazing job.


I personally no longer stress over content subjects with students that are not self-motivated. I focus on the 3R's and CHARACTER and WORK, with them. If they cannot pull out of their attitude or illness or disability or whatever it is, then they aren't going anywhere that cares about a spiffy public school looking transcript for content subjects.


I don't have time to write more, but you have NOTHING to be ashamed of. NOTHING! :grouphug:

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If it were ME, and you are not me, so...take it for what it is worth, I'd download Evan-Moor Daily Science 5, for your 7th grader. There is a 6+ book, but I'd save it for next year for him.


You have a full plate here. Considering the REALITY of your situation you are doing an amazing job.


I personally no longer stress over content subjects with students that are not self-motivated. I focus on the 3R's and CHARACTER and WORK, with them. If they cannot pull out of their attitude or illness or disability or whatever it is, then they aren't going anywhere that cares about a spiffy public school looking transcript for content subjects.


I don't have time to write more, but you have NOTHING to be ashamed of. NOTHING! :grouphug:


:iagree: I think you are doing a GREAT job considering how many kids you're teaching! I hope I can do that well a few years from now!

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For 7th grade spelling I'd try to get a look at Spell Well or Apples: Daily Spelling Drills for Secondary Students


I'm sorry. I use more teacher intensive methods, because I'm teaching fewer students than you are, and they struggle with learning disabilities and have suffered a great deal of past failure and need more handholding.


But this are the best leads I can give you after reading your post.

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I have a 7th grade ds that sounds a lot like yours. We're doing Sequential Spelling DVDs with great results. I also got Apologia General Science, with the audio CD. He's not good about sitting down and reading it, but asks to listen to it in the car. He's not one to do experiments, so we have just skipped those. He has just gotten into reading recently. Although it's not high quality literature, its not junk and he's enjoying it. I'm letting it be for now.


For the 1st grader, Math Mammoth might be a good fit. It's easy enough to do and reasonably priced.




I just can't seem to get on the ball with some of my kids. Here we are in NOVEMBER (how'd THAT happen?!!!) and I still don't have science or spelling going for my 7th grader. Here's what our family looks like:

Boy 11th grade - doing everything....he's perfectly fine

Boy 9th grade - doing everything....fine

Boy 7th grade - just doing Math, English, History.....some reading. He HATES reading. He can totally read perfectly fine, just doesn't enjoy it.

Girl 3rd grade - doing everything.....fine

Boy 1st grade - doing reading and phonics. Still haven't done any math. :(

Boy just turned 5 a couple of weeks ago - doing Kindergarten and is doing so well! Just phonics and reading.

Then there's a very active 3 yr old Boy.

Yeah, just one girl.....lol


Soooooo, as you see, I don't have it all together with my 7th grader and not being consistant with my 1st grader.


I just can't seem to do it all. What is wrong with me?????? I'm so burned out, but I want to honor the Lord....knowing this is what He has called for our family. I need spelling, science and reading for my 7th grader who is ants in his pants, easily distracted....yet has NO PROBLEMS learning. It's just me. I can't seem to find the drive or time to figure out what's best for him. I'm so ashamed to even be telling anyone this! UGH!:confused::001_unsure:

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A homeschooling lady I know with a large family who has given me a lot of advice uses wizardsspell.com for spelling for the whole family. You pay $126 annual fee for up to 7 students, and they do their spelling on the computer by themselves. (or $108 for up to 3 students) I can also send you a sample of a schedule she put together to help organize all of her kids and their subjects, if you like; maybe you already do something like that, though. :001_smile:

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I just can't seem to get on the ball with some of my kids. Here we are in NOVEMBER (how'd THAT happen?!!!) and I still don't have science or spelling going for my 7th grader. Here's what our family looks like: Boy 11th grade - doing everything....he's perfectly fine Boy 9th grade - doing everything....fine Boy 7th grade - just doing Math, English, History.....some reading. He HATES reading. He can totally read perfectly fine, just doesn't enjoy it. Girl 3rd grade - doing everything.....fine Boy 1st grade - doing reading and phonics. Still haven't done any math. :( Boy just turned 5 a couple of weeks ago - doing Kindergarten and is doing so well! Just phonics and reading. Then there's a very active 3 yr old Boy. Yeah, just one girl.....lol Soooooo, as you see, I don't have it all together with my 7th grader and not being consistant with my 1st grader. I just can't seem to do it all. What is wrong with me?????? I'm so burned out, but I want to honor the Lord....knowing this is what He has called for our family. I need spelling, science and reading for my 7th grader who is ants in his pants, easily distracted....yet has NO PROBLEMS learning. It's just me. I can't seem to find the drive or time to figure out what's best for him. I'm so ashamed to even be telling anyone this! UGH!:confused::001_unsure:


You are doing a great job!! :001_smile: I had to smile at your 'just one girl' comment. I have 7 girls and 'just one boy'. People seem to pity my boy but he is fine.... really! ;)


Anyway, I just have a couple of suggestions for your 7th grader.


You said that he can read fine but just doesn't like to. Maybe you could start by letting him choose a book that he would like to read. Anything. So long as it is content appropriate, of course. Then tell him he has to read that book for a certain amount of time each day - 1/2 hour, 40 mins, whatever you think is where he needs to start. When he's finished, have him write a response to a question about the book; for example, "What was the problem that the main character faced and how was that problem solved?" There is a list of questions you can choose from here... http://www.welltrainedmind.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/writing-overview-expanded1.pdf and scroll down to p31. Don't try to answer all the questions for each book, just choose one or two per book. Once he's done that, then it's your turn to choose a book for him to read. You could keep alternating with books like that. I've been choosing my kid's assigned reading for years, but in the past few months I've been letting them choose more of their own and it's been really good.


For science, you could just buy some sort of experiment/activity science kit and have him work through the experiments in it writing up each experiment that he does. I bought my dd a chemistry set from ebay recently and it is very cool. It came with different chemicals and apparatus and a booklet full of different experiments. I think I paid about $60 for it. To write up each experiment he should answer the 5 questions found here http://www.welltrainedmind.com/science-in-the-classical-curriculum/ under Logic Stage Science. He'd probably be able to do this all himself.


As for spelling, I tend to agree that he probably wouldn't need spelling anymore unless you really think he needs it. You could google a list of spelling words and have him learn 10 a week and have one of the older kids test him at the end of the week then report to you. Otherwise, move to vocab. My older two are doing English From the Roots Up.


Anyway, I hope that helps a little.

Edited by LindaOz
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I just can't seem to get on the ball with some of my kids. Here we are in NOVEMBER (how'd THAT happen?!!!) and I still don't have science or spelling going for my 7th grader.


Boy 7th grade - just doing Math, English, History.....some reading. He HATES reading. He can totally read perfectly fine, just doesn't enjoy it.


I just can't seem to do it all. What is wrong with me?????? I'm so burned out,

I need spelling, science and reading for my 7th grader who is ants in his pants, easily distracted....yet has NO PROBLEMS learning. It's just me. I can't seem to find the drive or time to figure out what's best for him. I'm so ashamed to even be telling anyone this! UGH!:confused::001_unsure:


Okay, I'm going to dissent from the crowd a bit.


I'm not going suggest you change anything about what is working for the other kids. No point changing what works. And you don't list what you are already using, so I don't know what tips to give in that area to make it work more effectively.


What reading is your son currently doing that he hates? Are you wanting a booklist? Have you considered making a reading list for science, two birds with one stone? ;) What have you used for science for the kids right above and below him and why can't he piggy back with them?


How long have you been home schooling? What about it causes you to feel the most burnt out?

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Spelling for the 7th grader- I am (was?) a terrible speller, until my Dad had me start a journal on the computer (LOL these days, it would be a blog). That darn thing underlines every word you spell incorrectly, and forces you to look at HOW to spell it. Turn off autocorrect if your computer does it, and have him start typing. He can blog about anything he wants, it can still help his spelling if the autocorrect function isn't there, and he is forced to use the spell check and dictionary as needed.

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If you can swing it I would put the 7th grader in bju science online.


What math does your third grader use? Put the first grader in that or use something like CLE. The lessons are fast-paced and keep the little ones moving right along. Alternatively, you could look into Abeka's math track or mus.


I think you are doing fantastic. Focus on what you can teach and do it well; outsource the rest! :)

Edited by Robin's Song
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  • 1 month later...

If you can swing it I would put the 7th grader in bju science online.


What math does your third grader use? Put the first grader in that or use something like CLE. The lessons are fast-paced and keep the little ones moving right along. Alternatively, you could look into Abeka's math track or mus.


I think you are doing fantastic. Focus on what you can teach and do it well; outsource the rest! :)


I just signed my 11yo up for BJU science 6 online. They are having a special right now for $99. That's really a good deal for a full years worth of teaching. Mrs.Vick is fantastic. She also teaches the grade 7, I believe. I haven't started my daughter just yet, but I have been watching the lessons. Even I am interested in this. lol Cant wait for dd to get started on Mon. I also ordered the science 6 kit from Home Science Tools so she can participate in the labs.



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Seven kiddos here, also, and one book that was very helpful for me in the area of "organizing the young'uns" was Managers of Their Homes by Steve & Teri Maxwell.


Also, I agree with previous posters about the olders helping the youngers (or vice versa) with phonics drill, math drill/flashcards, reading practice, some spelling activities, etc. After all, one of the beauties of homeschooling is teaching our children the Biblical principle of encouraging and helping one another. "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." (Phillipians 2:4)


I also agree with previous posters that you are doing a fine job. Don't beat yourself up! Pray, trust the Lord, and keep pressing forward!

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