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Follow Up: Holocaust Survivor I asked for a speaking engagement...

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Backstory: Frieda is a Jewish Holocaust survivor and accepted a speaking engagement at our church about 5-7 years ago. After a successful singing career (she sang for Disney - going on memory here) she started speaking and sharing her survival story/testimony. There are few direct survivors left as they are "approx" (give or take) 90.


She spoke to a packed sanctuary of homeschoolers and others. She stood on her feet for most/all (I personally don't remember which) of the time she spoke. When she finished, she sat and parades of kids marched up on stage presenting her with cards, flowers and handmade gifts, etc.


What a treasure!!!


In our little co-op/academy I recommended the reading of "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom. The are finishing reading that and TLP study guide of the same. I then thought her speaking at our co-op would tie in nicely and asked some Jewish friends and my friend responded with Frieda's email and phone number!!!


I contacted her and just received a reply back.




Mrs. Roos (Frienda) responded to my email! Or, maybe it was an assistant, I don't care.


She is unable to attend. Below is "part" of her reply email to me.





Can you believe she is soon to be or just turned 97? She is such a beautiful woman. I wish I could convince her. She lives only 5 miles away from us and same distance to our little homeschool academy of middle schoolers in which there are 5 kids! But, that is my desire and as I wrote back she faithfully shared her story/testimony with others for years and she has served God....well done good and faithful servant (Frieda).


Here is her link.




Be Blessed!

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Wow! What an amazing woman! Could you not respectfully contact her again, and ask if she would be willing to receive the children of your group for a visit? She wouldn't have to travel! And what an incredible field trip/opportunity it would be for those children! How else are they ever going to have first hand information of this nature and learn from history, so they will not be doomed to repeat it, as it seems so many of the upcoming generation may? You said she was just a short distance down the road?


I can see why some Holocaust Survivors may not constantly want to relive their horrible memories. But if she was so kind as to agree to you going to her, I would be sure the children showed some kind of gratitude or brought some small token of thanks, or perhaps a homemade gift/painting.


Another thought. She has a computer. Does she have skype?

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Maybe she could tape record the story or video record it.


What a wonderful experience!


Thanks for this. Have not thought of it.


Wow! What an amazing woman! Could you not respectfully contact her again, and ask if she would be willing to receive the children of your group for a visit? She wouldn't have to travel! And what an incredible field trip/opportunity it would be for those children! How else are they ever going to have first hand information of this nature and learn from history, so they will not be doomed to repeat it, as it seems so many of the upcoming generation may? You said she was just a short distance down the road?


I can see why some Holocaust Survivors may not constantly want to relive their horrible memories. But if she was so kind as to agree to you going to her, I would be sure the children showed some kind of gratitude or brought some small token of thanks, or perhaps a homemade gift/painting.


Another thought. She has a computer. Does she have skype?


Excellent point.


Both of these are excellent ideas = creative. I agree this should not be repeated and kids need to learn about it. Skype is good. I need to consider asking if she has it. Interestingly enough, my dh went to college for and has been working in his chosen profession of corporate/non-broadcast video (writer, producer, director, editor, etc) for about 33 years. He could borrow the big commercial/professional cameras and record for free!



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It saddens me that my kids are the last generation that will probably ever have a chance to speak with a survivor. Recordings and video pack a punch but are not the same as speaking with the person.


I hope you are able to work something out with this amazing woman.

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It saddens me that my kids are the last generation that will probably ever have a chance to speak with a survivor. Recordings and video pack a punch but are not the same as speaking with the person.


I hope you are able to work something out with this amazing woman.


Thanks, Kathy! Me too!

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I can't believe she retired when she was only 96. ;)


I wouldn't press her to do anything for you, as I think it would be awkward, and I think it's a bit rude to put any kind of pressure on a 97 year-old woman who has already graciously declined and pointed out that she has retired.


She sounds like a real treasure, though!!! :001_smile:

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I can't believe she retired when she was only 96. ;)


I wouldn't press her to do anything for you, as I think it would be awkward, and I think it's a bit rude to put any kind of pressure on a 97 year-old woman who has already graciously declined and pointed out that she has retired.


She sounds like a real treasure, though!!! :001_smile:


I totally agree. I am shocked at the suggestion that she be subjected to more requests when she replied so graciously. She has given. She has taught. She has grown old in the service of the young who need to hear her story. She has the right to retire.

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I totally agree. I am shocked at the suggestion that she be subjected to more requests when she replied so graciously. She has given. She has taught. She has grown old in the service of the young who need to hear her story. She has the right to retire.



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I totally agree. I am shocked at the suggestion that she be subjected to more requests when she replied so graciously. She has given. She has taught. She has grown old in the service of the young who need to hear her story. She has the right to retire.



I might contact her to ask if she knows of anyone who has recorded her story so that you may purchase a copy to share with your co-op (or if she is interested in recording her story (mention your DH here))... but I would not suggest a visit. That just seems rude...

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I am truly sorry that my suggestion seemed rude. It was not intended that way. And I can totally see how it could be taken that way. But I don't, however, think it would be 'rude' or 'pressing' to politely ask if she would consider a visit from some interested, innocent children who might even just sit at her feet if she spoke. Send an e-mail - then she might not feel as pressured to agree as if you were speaking to her in person. She might even be honoured to be considered. I definitely like the PP's suggestion, as another alternative, to see if there are recordings of her story. I guess we all have our own opinions.

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I totally agree. I am shocked at the suggestion that she be subjected to more requests when she replied so graciously. She has given. She has taught. She has grown old in the service of the young who need to hear her story. She has the right to retire.

:iagree:What a wonderful woman!

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Backstory: Frieda is a Jewish Holocaust survivor and accepted a speaking engagement at our church about 5-7 years ago. After a successful singing career (she sang for Disney - going on memory here) she started speaking and sharing her survival story/testimony. There are few direct survivors left as they are "approx" (give or take) 90.


She spoke to a packed sanctuary of homeschoolers and others. She stood on her feet for most/all (I personally don't remember which) of the time she spoke. When she finished, she sat and parades of kids marched up on stage presenting her with cards, flowers and handmade gifts, etc.


What a treasure!!!


In our little co-op/academy I recommended the reading of "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom. The are finishing reading that and TLP study guide of the same. I then thought her speaking at our co-op would tie in nicely and asked some Jewish friends and my friend responded with Frieda's email and phone number!!!


I contacted her and just received a reply back.




Mrs. Roos (Frienda) responded to my email! Or, maybe it was an assistant, I don't care.


She is unable to attend. Below is "part" of her reply email to me.





Can you believe she is soon to be or just turned 97? She is such a beautiful woman. I wish I could convince her. She lives only 5 miles away from us and same distance to our little homeschool academy of middle schoolers in which there are 5 kids! But, that is my desire and as I wrote back she faithfully shared her story/testimony with others for years and she has served God....well done good and faithful servant (Frieda).


Here is her link.




Be Blessed!


My mom just returned back from a trip to Israel where she was privileged to meet with and serve many Holocaust survivors. There is a ministry (Abundant Hope International) that is trying to meet specific needs of Holocaust survivors who have immigrated to Israel as well as provide emotional & spiritual support.


My moms involvement was gathering hand made items (blankets, knitted items, aprons- etc) here in the states, transporting them to Israel and handing them out (and in return, heard many stories). Hand made gifts are so appreciated- they are given in the name of Christ, but there is no 'pressure'- just love.


My daughter was able to make potholders, attached her picture & name and sent them over and her grandma delivered them personally. Two survivors sent back items for my daughter in return- we wept. There was a small figurine that one woman had brought with her from Lithuania. :crying:


Anyway- I share all of that to say that there are other ways you could get your group involved that don't include this woman, who is obviously old & weary. :) You could see if they could make things and send them; write letter, read other books etc.


I HIGHLY recommend the book: Hana's Suitcase. Its very sobering, obviously, but incredibly moving for children and is and wonderful jumping off point...

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