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My son has the strangest bathroom rituals

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He is 4 and is only just recently TOTALLY potty trained. My girls were never like this so I am wondering if it is a boy thing or if he is just a bit of a weirdling (in an endearing way of course!), but instead of telling me he needs to go #2 he will suddenly drop everything and start a weird jumping around thing and will tell me over and over again that he loves me:confused:. Obviously now I recognize the signs but I before I did I would say I love you back numerous times and then after a few moments I would ask if he needed to potty. He would tell me no and continue to jump around before finally saying yes and going. While he is going I get the most detailed running commentary and it doesn't matter if it is a public or private bathroom :glare::blush:. I am just not quite sure why he won't just tell me he needs to go?

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He is 4 and is only just recently TOTALLY potty trained. My girls were never like this so I am wondering if it is a boy thing or if he is just a bit of a weirdling (in an endearing way of course!), but instead of telling me he needs to go #2 he will suddenly drop everything and start a weird jumping around thing and will tell me over and over again that he loves me:confused:. Obviously now I recognize the signs but I before I did I would say I love you back numerous times and then after a few moments I would ask if he needed to potty. He would tell me no and continue to jump around before finally saying yes and going. While he is going I get the most detailed running commentary and it doesn't matter if it is a public or private bathroom :glare::blush:. I am just not quite sure why he won't just tell me he needs to go?


He is uncomfortable and having sensory overload...:) His body 'knows' before his brain knows and he is having a little trouble getting the two to meet up at the same time. He will get there.

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I agree. Also--have you ever fussed at him for pooping his pants? Perhaps, in his mind, he's afraid he'll get in trouble if he has an accident, and he just wants you to know beforehand that he loves you and you love him? ( I don't mean that as a judgement against you, I'm just throwing out suggestions)



I understand why you asked, but no, we are very laid back potty trainers. He did have quite a fear of public toilets for a while (even with our trusty potty seat in hand) and I did have to tell him then that he either had to go on the public potty or I would have to put a diaper on him. He got into the habit for a while of holding it to the point of tears and I would have to force him to sit on the potty so that he could go. He was fine once he went but getting the courage to go was quite an ordeal. I don't get the idea that he is afraid to go, but more afraid to tell me he needs to go.

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I understand why you asked, but no, we are very laid back potty trainers. He did have quite a fear of public toilets for a while (even with our trusty potty seat in hand) and I did have to tell him then that he either had to go on the public potty or I would have to put a diaper on him. He got into the habit for a while of holding it to the point of tears and I would have to force him to sit on the potty so that he could go. He was fine once he went but getting the courage to go was quite an ordeal. I don't get the idea that he is afraid to go, but more afraid to tell me he needs to go.


My son was 3 1/2 before he pooped in a potty. He was afraid. Once he did it he never had a problem again. Before then he was potty trained on the urine part completely....but he would wait until I put a pull up on him for bed and then poop. :glare:

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I'd be uber-glad for such a glaring sign of impending #2. Count your blessings!


(My older boy will sometimes admit to a 'stomach ache.' Amazing how 'taking a seat' will get rid of that tummy problem. I know now to send him straight to the potty when he gives me that particular line. He hasn't figured the connection out on his own yet, but I'm hopeful that he someday will.)

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He is uncomfortable and having sensory overload...:) His body 'knows' before his brain knows and he is having a little trouble getting the two to meet up at the same time. He will get there.


This is what I think as well. One of mine was like that (with his own style of course) for a long time. The other never was. So I don't think it's a boy thing as much as a particular kid's wiring sensory wise.

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One thing I would encourage is the habit of "going" about 30 minutes after a meal. By "going" - a 5-10 minute toilet sit (reading something if he likes). This takes advantage of the peristaltic action in the intestines and can help encourage good bathroom habits. If he is so uncomfortable that he is jumping aroung, he may be ignoring earlier signals that it is time to empty his bowels, which could lead to other problems.

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He is uncomfortable and having sensory overload...:) His body 'knows' before his brain knows and he is having a little trouble getting the two to meet up at the same time. He will get there.


My DS did the exact same thing at that age (jumping around like a maniac, then suddenly realizing what was going on and running for the bathroom). I think for some kids it's just a vague, diffuse sensation of internal pressure, and it's not until the pressure is really strong and really, um, imminent, that it registers in their brains as "I need to poop — right now!"



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One thing I would encourage is the habit of "going" about 30 minutes after a meal. By "going" - a 5-10 minute toilet sit (reading something if he likes). This takes advantage of the peristaltic action in the intestines and can help encourage good bathroom habits. If he is so uncomfortable that he is jumping aroung, he may be ignoring earlier signals that it is time to empty his bowels, which could lead to other problems.



I tell my 8 yr old this. Doesn't matter. He has bathroom issues. Yeah, we'll call it that. He holds it for days until he absolutely cannot hold it anymore. Seriously, the amount that comes out at that point clogs the toilet every single time he goes. Which feeds into his issues even more.


I am so sick and tired and frustrated with his bathroom problems.


I've had a psychiatrist tell me that it's my fault because 1) I homeschool him and he's not forced to use a public restroom at school, 2) I refuse to let him grow up and I encourage such behavior, and 3) he does it to manipulate me.


I've had an OT tell me that it's due to his sensory issues and then gave me zero suggestions on how to help him. She simply said, "Yes, he has sensory problems but he does not qualify for OT."


My 4 yr old waits until the last possible moment as well. I'm just hoping that he moves past it as he gets older unlike my 8 yr old.

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I never thought about sensory issues but that does make sense, especially since he had mild sensory issues secondary to being premature. Thank you all for the advice. I will continue to keep an eye on it and try some of the advice I got here. He did used to have some constipation issues, but I have made it a point to up his water and fiber intake so thankfully we haven't had that issue for a while.


I appreciate continued feedback.

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