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This is why I'm glad I use some Christian curricula


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Ds is using ACSI's 4th grade spelling (older edition). This week's words are studying "ie" and "ei" spellings, and one of the words is receive. ACSI is good about having sections that deal with reading scripture and applying it. There was a whole section on receiving gifts and the gift of salvation from God. It all lead to ds crying and telling me he wasn't sure if he was saved or not. We discussed it, prayed, and even got Daddy involved. It was a special time. I know some don't like to used Christian school curriculum because it's too much like regular school, but I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to help ds know his faith is secure.


You never know what even a spelling lesson can do in a child's life! Blessings!!

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I love this... thank you for sharing.


Awww, that's wonderful! :)


:iagree: Awesome! It's things like this that make homeschooling all the more worthwhile. Even if he had been at a school that used these materials, the odds of him having this reaction and being that expressive in a classroom setting are probably slim (I say that not knowing your ds). I am so happy for all of you!

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Ds is using ACSI's 4th grade spelling (older edition). This week's words are studying "ie" and "ei" spellings, and one of the words is receive. ACSI is good about having sections that deal with reading scripture and applying it. There was a whole section on receiving gifts and the gift of salvation from God. It all lead to ds crying and telling me he wasn't sure if he was saved or not. We discussed it, prayed, and even got Daddy involved. It was a special time. I know some don't like to used Christian school curriculum because it's too much like regular school, but I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to help ds know his faith is secure.


You never know what even a spelling lesson can do in a child's life! Blessings!!


That's wonderful! Rejoicing with you.

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Okay, I'm so out of the loop these days :D. What is ACSI?


It is a curricula published by the Association of Christian Schools, a big Christian school accrediting organization. I am actually using an older edition than their current one because I found it for a good price and liked the looks of the book. They have several subjects of curricula available through Christian Book and other companies like that.

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