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S/O- Should we buy AG dolls in the store?

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My twin girls are turning 9 soon and they want AG dolls as their only gift from us (Ivy and McKenna). They have also agreed to not have a b'day party, as the dolls will cost more than we normally spend on gifts. Their out-of-state grandparents will be visiting to celebrate their birthdays a few days later. While the grandparents are here we are planning a surprise trip to the AG store in Dallas so they can spend their own money on clothes and accessories. We will probably try to get dessert while there. But this trip to the store may be up to a week after their actual b'days.


Soooo, my question- should I order the dolls (free shipping) and have them here for the girls to open on their b'days? Or should we just give them an IOU type certificate on their b'days and allow them to purchase the dolls in person?


Have your daughters ever changed their minds about which doll they wanted after seeing them in person? (mostly concerned about the Ivy choice here, since she is a supporting doll rather than a main character) Is there anything special about buying your doll at the store? Is it better to have the doll unpackaged before visiting the store?


On their actual b'days they will be receiving cards (with money) from family and we will have a special supper and cake- but it will just be us.


And, yes, my twins have different b'days, thus the use of "b'days" throughout this post!


Any thoughts, opinions, suggestions?

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I'd try to talk them into other dolls. Like you said, Ivy is supporting, and McKenna is GOTY, so her stuff will be gone once the new year hits. If they're absolutely set on those dolls and there's no swaying their decisions, then I'd order them before so they have something to open on their birthdays. If not, I'd at least tell them about your plans to take them to AG so they can look forward to it.


Edited to add: I've found nothing special about getting the doll in the store -- we've done it for DD's last 2 birthdays. They'll unpack it if you ask. If you have the doll before you go, definitely take it out of the box to bring with you. If you tell them you're there for your b-day when you go in, they'll give the girls "Happy Birthday" stickers. Every staff member who sees your daughters after that will wish them happy b-day, so that's sweet.

Edited by jujsky
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My now-10yo saved up for an AG doll and we were going on a trip to Atlanta soon after, so let her buy it at the AG store there. It made it more of an experience than just a toy. After she bought the doll, They unpacked it at the counter, and we went to their cafe for dessert (too expensive for a full meal) and that was part of making it a whole event too. So my vote is to buy them there. Plus that gives them a chance to change their minds once they see them in person.

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I would get them before. They will unpack them for you in the store but I think it would be nice to have them before, then the dolls get to make the trip to the store.


I would definitely get McKenna, DD got her a few weeks ago for her birthday and her hair is FANTASTIC!!!

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I just got an e-mail yesterday that McKenna is back ordered until Nov. 30th. If she is the doll that your DD is truly wanting, I'd order it ASAP to get in on the back order list. The store may be sold out by the time you go!



Or call the store and ask if they have any. I've seen things backordered for months online, only to find them readily available in the store.

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My girls love going to the AG store!! We been to the ones in New York (twice), Chicago, and Seattle. Personally, I think going to the store and getting a doll really adds to the experience, and I would normally vote for that. However, I would really be concerned about McKenna selling out, so I would order her now. She is a beautiful doll, BTW! She is the latest addition to our "collection". ;)

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Thank you all so much! I will definitely start checking on the McKenna doll now. We have already discussed that her extra items would be going away at the end of the year, and she said she was ok with that. Her 2nd choice is Julie- which would be nice because then Julie and Ivy could be together.


If we end up buying them in the store I will let them know about the trip and the dessert. I don't think they even realize there is a store (relatively) close by, so they will be very surprised!


I'm almost as excited as they are!

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I would get them before. They will unpack them for you in the store but I think it would be nice to have them before, then the dolls get to make the trip to the store.


I would definitely get McKenna, DD got her a few weeks ago for her birthday and her hair is FANTASTIC!!!


Yes, this! They'll love having their dolls with them in the store.

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First, how cool that your twins have their own birthdays. I've always wondered about that, but had never known it to happen.


I personally recommend the experience of going to the store to pick out the doll. They may well choose what they selected, but it would be a bummer to get there and see something they like better. To be safe you could go ahead and place McKenna on back order. If dd doesn't find one she likes better, you have her on order. If she does, you could cancel the order.


I love the GOTY dolls. My daughter has Lanie and couldn't care less whether she is wearing the Lanie clothes or not.

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My 10 yo dd says go to the store! I wouldn't try to sway one way or another on the doll they choose--my daughter has yet to choose the one *I* want :D. Dd's best friend had a birthday in May and waited until July so we could all take the train to Chicago and get her first AG doll.

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I wouldn't sway them on their dolls. We have main characters and friends, they all get equal play. Ivy is a very striking doll, I think if your dd wants her then it's unlikely she will be swayed by another doll.


As for getting before or at the store, I don't know that it matters. DD has gotten most of hers through the mail, one in the store. She didn't seem to prefer one way to the other. At their age, I'd just ask which they'd rather do. It may be a big deal to not unwrap a present or it might be more exciting to wait. I'd let them decide that.

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Thanks for all the suggestions! Talked to TwinB and she still wanted McKenna, even if she had to wait until Dec to get her. Ordered McKenna today, but if the Dallas store still has her in stock when we visit, we will buy there and cancel the backorder. Since TwinB won't have her doll in hand on b'day, I'm just going to wait and let TwinA get her doll in the store. She thinks Ivy looks the most like her, and also loves her because she doesn't have "old clothes"! Still working on figuring out exactly when we will be at the store so we can make reservations.


Yes, twins w/ different b'days happens...not sure how often. My girls were 4 hours and 3 minutes apart. Talk about a looooong night! :tongue_smilie:

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