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S/O Things that don't Make Sense in Movies

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We liked watching 24 but the most unbelievable thing on that show were how fast they traveled in LA!!!


The first season was the best with this. They stuck pretty well to the real time concept - like waiting for the helicopter when rescuing Kim and Teri from that compound. But the seasons after that played really fast and loose with it. It was disappointing.


I've written before about Kevin Costner in Robin Hood planning on walking from Dover to Nottingham in a day. Then on the way he goes via Northumberland (scenic views of Hadrian's Wall). When I asked Google Maps how long it would take, it suggested I take the ferry from Dover to Belgium, then another ferry from Belgium to Hull to shorten my walk! Not available to RH, I assume.


The Robert Downey Junior Sherlock film has them doing a quick sprint from Westminster to Tower Bridge. You could run it, but you'd be pretty puffed, especially in Victorian costume, by the time you arrived.


I'm sure geography in American films doesn't make sense either, but I only tend to notice the British occasions.





What about walking over the mountains from Salzburg, Austria, to Switzerland??? :lol:

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He's like Morgan Freeman as god. I once read an interview by MF saying he found it so weird that many Americans seem to love his portrayal of the Judeo-Christian god, since most of our general societal images of Jesus are of a white man.


I love Morgan Freeman in anything. I will cry when he dies.

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:lol: These are cracking me up.


In a horror movie, one-by-one you've found your friends bloodied and dead so why does one go looking when they hear a noise? Wouldn't a normal person just stay hidden or get away from there!


Amazing how the main character and his girl can be running and hiding most of the night in the woods then fall asleep but when they wake up their hair and makeup are perfect.

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How about the fact that in Star Trek, they can travel faster than light, have photon torpedoes, can disassemble and reassemble a person on a molecular level, but the best they can do for Captain Pike is a little red light that blinks for yes or no?!?!? AAAARRRGH! That has driven me crazy since I was a kid. :glare:



Methinks the so-called "elite" Storm Troopers could use some target practice, too.

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That isn't jist a tv/movie trope, that is part of the hero's journey. That has been true since Gilgamesh.

I am not sure it is a necessary part of a hero's journey, but it certainly does seem to be a popular one. At least for the hero, not necessarily for the friend.


Now that I think about it, women having superquick births are typical in some of the folktales. Like East o' the Wind and West o' the Moon, or One Thousand and One Nights! ;)


Speaking of creepy actors in real life, and the "brat pack", that Charlie Sheen is truly pathetic. And Rob Lowe. :ack2:

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