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fruit flies...help!

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Does anyone have remedies for ridding the house of fruit flies? I should have sprayed while they were swarming a forgotten pear in the bottom of our fruit basket, but I threw out the pear and the flies dispersed into almost every room in the house! DH sprayed RAID, which made everything slippery or sticky and they're still readily found. I'm afraid they're multiplying.


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I've done both the glass with the apple cider vinegar and the paper funnel on top, and the bowl of acv and dish soap. I've been using the 2nd all summer next to my kitchen compost container.


If they are all through the house, I would do the second method. Use a small bowl, pour about 1/4-1/2 of acv in and squirt of dish soap. They are attracted to the acv, but can't fly out of the dish soap. You'll find little dead fruit flies the next day.


They can mulitiply in 24 hours I believe. That means the ones you kill today may have alreay laid eggs so you'll just have more tomorrow. When I get a bad infestation I end up having to wipe down all my cabinets and that seems to help a lot, wiping away the eggs.

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Fill a jar with an inch of vinegar (I use apple cider), a few squirts of dish soap, and then a few inches of water. Leave it out on your counter and the flies will go in and die. Works great for me.


This, but I found an improvement on it!


Fill the inch or so of your jar with water & dish soap. Put some fruit in the jar - I toss in one of my kids' apple cores. Make sure the fruit is above the soap water (they weren't attracted as much when I fill one too high). Now cover the top with plastic wrap and secure with an elastic. Use a knife to poke just a few tiny holes in the top.


The fruit flies love the fruit and come right in. They can climb in the hole, but cannot get out. Eventually most of them drown in the soap water.


Now, if you leave it too long, you end up breeding new fruit flies in the jar, but... just don't ignore it as long as I do ;)


I have tried all the other ways and this one gets ALL THE FRUIT FLIES. I've been seriously amazed.

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There was a recent thread about this very same thing. I did the above, and it totally got rid of my fruit fly problem.


It was my thread and yes it works! I washed out a small yogurt container and filled it with the solution and it killed them all. I keep it there hidden in the corner now. I haven't seen a fruit fly since and we were infested with them.

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Another thing that works, and within just a few seconds, is vacuuming. we will wake up with hundreds of them ( i live in a humid environment). I just pull out the hose on the vacuum and vacuum them up. Works like a charm. They are not very smart or very fast. I hugged the woman who gave me that tip!!!!!

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Thank goodness I'm not the only one. I wonder how the grocery stores keep them away. I've tried these methods, too; sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't.

And…I also have these other little bugs/flies in my pantry that I find in my flour and rice. They have wings and they fly. I keep those items in airtight containers (so I think) and they still get in there!!

Makes me feel like my kitchen is filthy!!

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I guess we need to put those jars all over the house because they aren't confined to the kitchen (even though there is no food in any other room). They are even in the bathrooms. :001_huh:


You probably have them living in your pipes. Yes, I know, gross.


In addition to the other treatments, pour a bit of ammonia down EVERY drain in the house. Close the drain for several hours and then run water. Repeat each day as needed.

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