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Suggestions for an 'interval watch' useful in the Couch to 5K program

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I don't know exactly what I'm looking for :001_huh: but I need an inexpensive watch that will beep or ring after a few minutes to alert me that it's time to jog for a bit, and then beep again when it's time to walk. Is there anything like this that is very easy to use and cheap? Thanks!

Oh, I wish I had an iPhone so I could use one of the training apps, but I don't. I do have an iPad, but running with it would seem hilarious ;)

Edited by Blueridge
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I too would like to find something that I can still use the music on my ipod and still have something that tells me when to start and stop. I am getting ready to do it again and I am sick of the music. I want to listen to my own music.


There is an ipod app for C25K that lets you use your own music and just pipes in over it when it's time to walk or jog.


I used to just be called C25K, but now it's called Ease into 5K and it's by Bluefin. They also have ones for other length runs like Bridge to 10K and I think one more.

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lol...I agree...dont run with the iPad...LOL


I would imagine you could just buy one of those cheaper watches like target has with a seconds timer...and just kind of keep track while you are running. It wouldnt be too difficult to hit reset each section since you would be walking between sets.

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For iThings, I have an interval timer called... Interval Timer, that I use for tabata intervals, but would work fine for running intervals. You can use your own music and set up your own interval times and repeats.



I used the Gymboss and highly recommend it. I didn't want to use an app with my iPod because I don't like to run with music. So, the Gymboss was absolutely perfect.

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It lets me set my own intervals so I can change it up when needed (I use Jeff Galloway's run/walk/run but I also use the timer to stretch after I run. I can change from my running intervals to 30 second intervals to stretch). I clip it to my sports bra under my shirt and set it to vibrate so I can still hear my music and use my gps watch (which has interval timer capability but doesn't vibrate). And, their customer service is great.

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I used my iPod Shufle with a C25K podcast. There are a bunch of different sets out there. I chose one from the UK because the ladies voice was so soothing and encouraging. The music was fun and running related. I had a different podcast for each workout.


If you want an inexpensive watch, you could get a simple Timex. My dh has one that he uses during his coaching and it is great for intervals and straight timing.

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I must be living in a cave...I have an iPod and didn't know there were MP3 programs for CT5K! :001_huh: I think I would probably enjoy the music a lot more than a silly watch beeping. Thank you!

The program works with whatever you use...I use a c25k program and I Listen to Pandora. then the program just runs in the background but you never hear it...It only comes on when you need to stop running or start running again! It is awesome. You never just listen to beeps or anything like that! :001_smile:

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I found this website for making your own C25K podcasts, I wanted to make some for ds as the podcast selection is somewhat limited and ds' electronics are somewhat limited, lol.. Basically I just needed mp3's.


I am not technology-savvy, but I was able to follow these steps pretty easily...and walked ds through it so he can make his own.

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I have an iphone, but I don't always like to listen to music when I run. I do have a GREAT watch! I have a Timex Ironman watch with a timer that I use. I've been using basically the same watch for about 10 years. The watches I linked are listed at $70+. I am usually able to find ironman watches at Walmart for about $35.


http://www.timex.com/collections/ironman-sleek (in case the link didn't work)


When I first bought the watch, it had an interval mode where I could set the timer to go off at 4 minutes and 1 minute (or whatever I wanted for that particular run). But the last time I bought the watch (they seem to last about 2 years) I wasn't able to find one with the interval timer at the price I wanted to pay. It does still have a timer, so I use that and watch it during the "walk" part of my run.


So if I want to run for 5 minutes and walk for 1 minute, I'll set the timer for six minutes, walk a minute watching the timer, then run the next five minutes until the watch dings, walk a minute, run five, repeat.


I love this watch. I use it to time "tidy up" sessions around the house. I use the 3 alarms to wake me up, remind me to pick up kids from this or that activity, and as a reminder to get dinner started. I use the Chrono mode to time my entire run. I use the timer for all kinds of stuff in addition to running - remembering when to move the sprinkler, or when to leave the house before practice, or to check on to cookies.


Happy Running!


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