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Sigh. My day. A vent, pity party.

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I dont usually post these sorts of posts, but I feel so bummed. Today I decided we would have an easy school day as I had TONS of house stuff to do. Here was my list:

1. power wash the rest of the driveway, about 400 sq feet left

2. wash the glass doors around thhe house, maybe 10?

3. clean both bathrooms

4. do all laundry including sheets and blankets

5. clean cat litter thoroughly

6. sweep deck and mow lawn (couldnt do this as it has been raining)

7. finish my taxes for tax man, due tomorrow.

8. do SOME school with boys-math, latin, history at least.

9. get ready for evening patients starting at 5 pm.

10. clean out spice cabinet

11. wash dogs.


Okay, so guess how far I made it? #1. Sigh. THen my back really began hurting again and i had to rest. It is now 315 and while we have done school, and I have been moving the laundry along, nothing else has really gotten done.



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I barely was able to get through reading that without wanting a nap!




Not to make light...just hoping to cheer you up a bit!


:grouphug: Hope you feel better soon.


LOL. Thanks for the smile. Seriously though, i COULD have gotten it all done. Put on my headphones and rock n roll through it. But da*n this back of mine. Plus, this house is beginning to feel like one endless chore. I do love it, but serioulsy 2 acres of grass, a pool and stuff needing to be done in the house? what were we thinking? :tongue_smilie: I am just worn out, and ticked off about my back hurting so much.

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I dont usually post these sorts of posts, but I feel so bummed. Today I decided we would have an easy school day as I had TONS of house stuff to do. Here was my list:

1. power wash the rest of the driveway, about 400 sq feet left

2. wash the glass doors around thhe house, maybe 10?

3. clean both bathrooms

4. do all laundry including sheets and blankets

5. clean cat litter thoroughly

6. sweep deck and mow lawn (couldnt do this as it has been raining)

7. finish my taxes for tax man, due tomorrow.

8. do SOME school with boys-math, latin, history at least.

9. get ready for evening patients starting at 5 pm.

10. clean out spice cabinet

11. wash dogs.


Okay, so guess how far I made it? #1. Sigh. THen my back really began hurting again and i had to rest. It is now 315 and while we have done school, and I have been moving the laundry along, nothing else has really gotten done.




red are items that kids could do. (depending on the kid) Blue are items I'd do with kid assistance. Hope your back feels better soon.

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That looks like a chore list made for a WEEK not a day. :grouphug:


:iagree: May I suggest scaling back? Do you have visitor's coming? If not there is no reason you have to do everything on that list. Really. Life goes on fabulously even if glass doors are dirty, driveway is not power washed, deck is not swept, and spice cabinet not cleaned out.


You have to get the taxes done so do that. You have to lessons so do that. Unless the dogs are covered in mud that needs to be hosed off, skip the dog bath.


Or some of those things sound like great kid jobs: wash dog, sweep deck, strip beds of sheets and wash/dry (even my 8 yr old knows how to use the washer/dryer), clean cat litter, and cleaning bathrooms. My boys clean their bathroom every weekend....it must pass my inspection.


I'm not sure why you are trying to do everything yourself and on the same day. Delegate!

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That is a big bummer. Back pain is just beyond horrible. Especially when it's the only thing holding you back from getting things done! You definitely get a free pass to whine




thanks. serious, it IS the only thing. i am raring to go, boys are playing nicely...grrr. i am seeing a chiropractor tomorrow, and i hope she helps.

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:iagree: May I suggest scaling back? Do you have visitor's coming? If not there is no reason you have to do everything on that list. Really. Life goes on fabulously even if glass doors are dirty, driveway is not power washed, deck is not swept, and spice cabinet not cleaned out.


You have to get the taxes done so do that. You have to lessons so do that. Unless the dogs are covered in mud that needs to be hosed off, skip the dog bath.


Or some of those things sound like great kid jobs: wash dog, sweep deck, strip beds of sheets and wash/dry (even my 8 yr old knows how to use the washer/dryer), clean cat litter, and cleaning bathrooms. My boys clean their bathroom every weekend....it must pass my inspection.


I'm not sure why you are trying to do everything yourself and on the same day. Delegate!


no, no guests coming. it is just stuff that has been building up over the last few weeks and i am sick of it, and had big plans for the day. boys have been helping, but mostly they have been doing work, practicing piano. they will do their own bathroom tonight and have been helping. i am just aggravated.

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My dh gets back pain and so far no doctor has been able to say why. Even the chiropractor didn't have a clue, and finally told dh that adjustments or anything else he could do would help.


It's frustrating because when his back is out he is out. There is nothing he can do.


I hope your back heals soon and the pain stays away.

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There are some of those jobs, if at all possible, I'd delegate out to a person without back issues.


I have a several-year-old neck injury that is completely under control. BUT, there are some things I simply refuse to do to keep it that way.


For example: I MIGHT still be able to help my dh move furniture up & down the stairs but we'll never know. I won't risk it. Borrow a buddy or re-direct $50 to hire a helper. My neck is worth it.


Your back is worth it.


However, I also totally get that sometimes it's just not that simple.


Wishing wellness for you.

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