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Please recommend a good dog breed.

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I've seen it a few times called a Golden Pyrenees. Ours we got from the shelter, so for us he was a happy accident. http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/g/goldenpyrenees.htm

One cool thing about him, is he never left our property. He knew the boundaries and never had to be tied up. The only time we would have a problem is if a stray cat had kittens anywhere near us. He would go and stay with the kittens any time the mama wasn't there.


That is a mix I would love to see! Is it a common crossbreeding or was that an accident? A Pyr is the current fave of dh and my inlaws. Ds and I are definitely open to one, but dh has got to help train the dog! He will be working from home soon, so that will be a help.
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We have a Golden and he is the best dog ever. Of course, he has been through 6 months of dog training classes and we work with him all the time. He was easy to train and loves to do tricks. He is very lovable. Good with kids, cats and miniture alpha dog. He doesn't drool or bark except for specific reasons. However, he does shed tumbleweeds and requires a lot of maintenence. He has to be groomed about every two months including Fruminating and a trim. They shaved him this summer and that actually turn out pretty good. He travels well. They only problem we have with him is that he will eat ant socks, panties and washrags that he can get his mouth on. He is right at five years old and he has already has some problems with his hips. He has also had a few hot spot which are a real pain but if you keep on top of the grooming you shouldn't have any problems with that.

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Thanks for the info! I found a Great Pyr rescue organization that also places mixed breeds. They have some Golden Pyrenees available so we are going to contact them. Your dog sounds so sweet!




I've seen it a few times called a Golden Pyrenees. Ours we got from the shelter, so for us he was a happy accident. http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/g/goldenpyrenees.htm

One cool thing about him, is he never left our property. He knew the boundaries and never had to be tied up. The only time we would have a problem is if a stray cat had kittens anywhere near us. He would go and stay with the kittens any time the mama wasn't there.

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