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Military Moms...Help me consider new orders...

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Dh is in the window for new orders (PRD Oct 2013) and he called the detailer today. FWIW, DH is an LTJG LDO so the billets are few and far between. It looks like our options are Yokosuka, Norfolk or Hawaii (BTDT, fun, but we want something new).


Here's the thing, we really wanted to go to Europe but the billets we hoped would be there are not opening up until 2014. Our current options are a bit of a let down. DH could extend on his current ship but there's no guarantee we'd get one of those Spain spots and DH REALLY wants to leave this ship.


So, tell me the good, bad and ugly about Yokosuka. Do you know of anyone who offers piano lessons in the home? Can DD continue competitive gymnastics over there? And can anyone recommend a crash course in Japanese??:confused:


Oh, and ditto for Norfolk!

Edited by Sneezyone
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Can't help you with any up-to-date info, but I was born on a Navy base in that area, and my dad LOVED being stationed there. Of course, that was 40 yrs ago:001_smile: My mother taught kindergarten in Yokohama. We left when I was 3 months old. All the very best with your new orders.

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Hopefully second hand info is better than no info. At our last duty station I was friends with an Air Force mom who had just been in Japan. I don't know which base. I can tell you that she did not need to learn Japanese. She loved it there. They lived in a high rise.


Norfolk or rather the area near it is okay. Traffic can be a little rough especially going through the tunnel. There is a lot of great history in the area. Just from driving around it seems that Norfolk has seen better days. Mayne I was on the wrong side of town. The areas north of the tunnel were nice.


If it makes you feel better your options are way better than our options.

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I was in Norfolk as a kid and then we lived near there while my DH was stationed at Portsmouth. We loved living in VA. I would have loved to go anywhere overseas, but DH wasn't making a career out of serving. He did 6 and got out.


I know a gal that lived in Japan and loved it. They were sent back after the Fukashima incident. They were fairly close by from what I understand.

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We were never there but we had quite a few friends in Hawaii that either left for Japan or had moved from Japan. They all seemed to have good things to say about it. You definitely need to be up for a bit of adventure but if you are willing to relax and go with the flow/adapt a bit it should be a lot of fun. I would have loved orders there.

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Not military but I have known a lot of people in Norfolk. From what I heard Norfolk was pretty bad all the way around. House prices were high, as was the cost of living. For the wives there was a lot of back stabbing and fighting. For the people serving there was way more politicking than normal. One friend had a husband who was passed over for a promotion because the family didn't attend the "right" church.


The one good thing that I heard was that there is a great home schooling community there with lots to do and see.

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Dh is in the window for new orders (PRD Oct 2013) and he called the detailer today. FWIW, DH is an LTJG LDO so the billets are few and far between. It looks like our options are Yokosuka, Norfolk or Hawaii (BTDT, fun, but we want something new).


Here's the thing, we really wanted to go to Europe but the billets we hoped would be there are not opening up until 2014. Our current options are a bit of a let down. DH could extend on his current ship but there's no guarantee we'd get one of those Spain spots and DH REALLY wants to leave this ship.


So, tell me the good, bad and ugly about Yokosuka. Do you know of anyone who offers piano lessons in the home? Can DD continue competitive gymnastics over there? And can anyone recommend a crash course in Japanese??:confused:


Oh, and ditto for Norfolk!


Yokosuka was great. I loved loved loved it.


Norfolk SUCKS.


Hawaii is okay. I'd go there again, but it is expensive.


Were I you.... I'd take Yokosuka. Is this shore duty or sea?



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This is the second half of DH's back to back sea tours. I do have a friend that lives in Japan currently. As much as I would *love* to take the kids there, my biggest concern is the lingering nuclear issues. DH called last night and said Sasebo is an option. I'll have to look at a map but maybe that is further south. OH, and thanks for the replies!!

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This is the second half of DH's back to back sea tours. I do have a friend that lives in Japan currently. As much as I would *love* to take the kids there, my biggest concern is the lingering nuclear issues. DH called last night and said Sasebo is an option. I'll have to look at a map but maybe that is further south. OH, and thanks for the replies!!


PM'ed you.



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