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could I do this?

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We're $300 short every month. I am trying to think of ways to close this gap. I used to babysit until I had my last child and it was just too much then. My youngest is now 2. I'm thinking about watching kids again. I'm trying to figure out how I would fit schooling in. We have about 4 hrs of school work we do right now. I fit in one-on-one work (math & reading) while my youngest is sleeping. Am I crazy to think I could have young kids here and still teach mine? I'm trying to think this through. Any advice is welcome. Thanks.

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Do you live in a neighborhood where you could do before and after school day care for working Moms, possibly school holidays? I could see how that would work.


That could possible work. I'll have to figure out what to charge for that. Thanks.


ETA: I did a quick look at our YMCA'a website and they charge $70/week for before and after school care. So this may be really doable for me.

Edited by nertsmommy
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We're $300 short every month. I am trying to think of ways to close this gap. I used to babysit until I had my last child and it was just too much then. My youngest is now 2. I'm thinking about watching kids again. I'm trying to figure out how I would fit schooling in. We have about 4 hrs of school work we do right now. I fit in one-on-one work (math & reading) while my youngest is sleeping. Am I crazy to think I could have young kids here and still teach mine? I'm trying to think this through. Any advice is welcome. Thanks.

That just seems like it is very time intensive for the money. Could you sell things on Craigslist? A couple of furniture items a month (maybe from a garage sale) and you'd have your $300. I know someone who is supporting a family of six on this.

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That just seems like it is very time intensive for the money. Could you sell things on Craigslist? A couple of furniture items a month (maybe from a garage sale) and you'd have your $300. I know someone who is supporting a family of six on this.


This wouldn't be bad if we had a place to store things. We have 36 steps just to get up to our house. It would be very time consuming for the money. When I did it before I didn't make a lot because of the area we live in. I'm just really trying to close the gap though.


Have you tried things like couponing? We were furloughed for a few years (a 15 percent paycut) and I couponed and canned. I know a lot of moms who bartered as well.


I coupon like crazy! The whole matching with sales and all. I have canned so many tomatoes these past weeks that I don't want to see another one again. :tongue_smilie: I'm making grape jelly today.


I have looked over our budget so much lately and there is no where I can cut down more. We are at the basics already.


I put the word out that I could do before and after school care. Hopefully I can get at least two.

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This wouldn't be bad if we had a place to store things. We have 36 steps just to get up to our house. It would be very time consuming for the money. When I did it before I didn't make a lot because of the area we live in. I'm just really trying to close the gap though.




I coupon like crazy! The whole matching with sales and all. I have canned so many tomatoes these past weeks that I don't want to see another one again. :tongue_smilie: I'm making grape jelly today.


I have looked over our budget so much lately and there is no where I can cut down more. We are at the basics already.


I put the word out that I could do before and after school care. Hopefully I can get at least two.


Are you willing to help with homework? I know some families here who are thrilled to pay extra so the homework is done by the time they pick the kids up. It sounds like they don't want to be bothered with homework but the reality is both parents are tired from a long day and want to enjoy the few hours a day they have with their kids. I can appreciate that! Most in our area who do this call themselves 'homework helpers' so the parents can easily find them.

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Are you near any manufacturing plants that run 24/7? If so, doing shift or weekend daycare might be the most lucrative and also easiest thing to add to your current schedule. I knew someone who babysat toddlers for parents who worked graveyard. She was always full, and the kids were sleeping most of the time. There was no expectation that she stay awake all night, just that she be able to respond if they woke up. In the morning she would get up early, fix them a good breakfast, get them bathed and dressed, and ready to leave with their parents by around 7:30 or so.

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Are you willing to help with homework? I know some families here who are thrilled to pay extra so the homework is done by the time they pick the kids up. It sounds like they don't want to be bothered with homework but the reality is both parents are tired from a long day and want to enjoy the few hours a day they have with their kids. I can appreciate that! Most in our area who do this call themselves 'homework helpers' so the parents can easily find them.


Yes, I would help with homework. Thanks for the suggestion on the name 'homework helper.'


Are you near any manufacturing plants that run 24/7? If so, doing shift or weekend daycare might be the most lucrative and also easiest thing to add to your current schedule. I knew someone who babysat toddlers for parents who worked graveyard. She was always full, and the kids were sleeping most of the time. There was no expectation that she stay awake all night, just that she be able to respond if they woke up. In the morning she would get up early, fix them a good breakfast, get them bathed and dressed, and ready to leave with their parents by around 7:30 or so.


I do, but what I had found before was that there really wasn't a need for that here. I had night hours listed the last time I babysat. I can try again though. Thank you.

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