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Weird symptoms...Dr. Hive help please!

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I never thought I would call on Dr. Hive, lol. I *am* a nurse after all. BWAHAHA!


I am having some very odd medical symptoms. It all started last week when my left upper abdomen starting aching right on and under my ribs. It felt like a bruise (I had no trauma, no cough, etc) with an occasional sharp stabbing/pinching pain. That went on for about 4 days. Then Saturday early am (I was at work) I felt like there was some weird numbness along the same area. The numbness has gotten worse over the last 36 hours. So I started thinking perhaps the beginning of shingles. That was the only thing I can think of.


But here's another weird thing. Today I started having weird tingly and numb feelings in different parts of my body, like my arms, thigh, lower back. And my face has been itchy. Now I've got myself completely worked up thinking I have MS or something. The pain by my ribs is not as severe, but I've been taking Motrin today. The numbness continues to be worse in the left upper abdominal area by my ribs. It's about a 6 inch by 3 inch area, and I seriously have almost no sensation there. One thing I thought is that maybe the other tingly/itchy/numb sensations could be anxiety. I tend to be a little (okay, a lot) on the anxious side. Of course, this whole thing is making me more anxious!


I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow. I rarely go to the doctor. I haven't seen my GP in 3 years. I hate going to the doctor. But this is making me completely nervous!


I haven't started any new meds, new routines, etc. I'm sleeping really well lately. My grandfather passed away last week, but that wasn't really stressful, just sad. It was expected. Other than that, we're cruising along, doing fine. No more stress than normal, lol.


Any ideas? You can't scare me or make me more nervous than I already am, so bring it on.

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Well I had abdominal pain for awhile 2 years ago. Then I started getting twitching all over. I couldn't sleep bc it was more noticeable when I was still. I felt like my calf would go numb when I was driving. I ended up seeing a neurologist, getting testing, and nothing turned up! I was a nervous wreck, but you know what...it pretty much went away. I did figure out that sugar was probably a contributing factor. That took me about 6 months but I should have guessed sooner bc sugar has always caused other odd symptoms for me. So hold tight...you may be making it worse stressing over it, not sleeping as well, etc...


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This doesn't explain the abdominal pain, but I always get tingly and numb on different parts of my body if I have strep. The doctors have never heard of this and no one can explain it, but I always know I have strep because those are my symptoms, along with a little sore throat.

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Maybe a vitamin deficiency.


If I was having those symptoms and I would up my B (complex) vitamins for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference. A deficiency of certain B vitamins can lead to paraesthsia.


I would also take a good quality prenatal that has high amounts of iron and folic acid. (A stool softener may be needed to counter the iron effects).

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I never thought I would call on Dr. Hive, lol. I *am* a nurse after all. BWAHAHA!


I am having some very odd medical symptoms. It all started last week when my left upper abdomen starting aching right on and under my ribs. It felt like a bruise (I had no trauma, no cough, etc) with an occasional sharp stabbing/pinching pain. That went on for about 4 days. Then Saturday early am (I was at work) I felt like there was some weird numbness along the same area. The numbness has gotten worse over the last 36 hours. So I started thinking perhaps the beginning of shingles. That was the only thing I can think of.


But here's another weird thing. Today I started having weird tingly and numb feelings in different parts of my body, like my arms, thigh, lower back. And my face has been itchy. Now I've got myself completely worked up thinking I have MS or something. The pain by my ribs is not as severe, but I've been taking Motrin today. The numbness continues to be worse in the left upper abdominal area by my ribs. It's about a 6 inch by 3 inch area, and I seriously have almost no sensation there. One thing I thought is that maybe the other tingly/itchy/numb sensations could be anxiety. I tend to be a little (okay, a lot) on the anxious side. Of course, this whole thing is making me more anxious!


I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow. I rarely go to the doctor. I haven't seen my GP in 3 years. I hate going to the doctor. But this is making me completely nervous!


I haven't started any new meds, new routines, etc. I'm sleeping really well lately. My grandfather passed away last week, but that wasn't really stressful, just sad. It was expected. Other than that, we're cruising along, doing fine. No more stress than normal, lol.


Any ideas? You can't scare me or make me more nervous than I already am, so bring it on.



I'm no doctor and I don't play one on tv either, but could it be your back? A spine issue? Maybe an osteopath or a chiropractor could help? My thinking is if there is some sort of compression it could be causing all sorts of numbness and tingling and pain depending on which is being compressed. Of course, I have no experience with shingles....



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It sounds like something (maybe as "simple" as pressure on a nerve/doesn't have to be MS or similar) affecting the nervous system and I would see a doctor tomorrow for sure. :grouphug: However, 2-3 years ago I started having all kinds of weird stuff--tingling, constant twitching that even interfered with sleep, numbness, strange sensations like things crawling on me, vertigo, and on. Neurology wanted an MRI (thinking MS) and found nothing. My doctor tested me for all kinds of nutrient deficiencies and all was normal except I had a coq10 deficiency. Correcting it didn't alleviate my symptoms. It turns out my mother had had a similar experience when I was a child at about the same age. It took a long time for me but did go away.


My point is the body can do weird things and still have nothing seriously wrong. I was freaked out though.


ETA: I don't know about shingles/I hope that isn't it!

Edited by sbgrace
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I found this about symptoms of shingles before the rash develops:


Pain, burning, tickling, tingling, and/or numbness occurs in the area around the affected nerves several days or weeks before a rash appears. The discomfort usually occurs on the chest or back, but it may occur on the belly, head, face, neck, or one arm or leg.

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It sounds like something (maybe as "simple" as pressure on a nerve/doesn't have to be MS or similar) affecting the nervous system and I would see a doctor tomorrow for sure. :grouphug: However, 2-3 years ago I started having all kinds of weird stuff--tingling, constant twitching that even interfered with sleep, numbness, strange sensations like things crawling on me, vertigo, and on. Neurology wanted an MRI (thinking MS) and found nothing. My doctor tested me for all kinds of nutrient deficiencies and all was normal except I had a coq10 deficiency. Correcting it didn't alleviate my symptoms. It turns out my mother had had a similar experience when I was a child at about the same age. It took a long time for me but did go away.


My point is the body can do weird things and still have nothing seriously wrong. I was freaked out though.


ETA: I don't know about shingles/I hope that isn't it!


Wow! I definitely get the crawling sensation now, though my twitching has gone away as I mentioned. So whatever that is...definitely could be that :)


BTW strep definitely could cause the stomach pain or loss of appetite or nausea. These are typical symptoms. AND strep causes all kinds of crazy symptoms in people so I would consider that also a possibility. Are you tired? Usually bacterial infection causes fatigue.

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