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What do you do when you are at the end of your rope?

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I have a lot of things going on in my life right now that are really hard. I am having a hard time getting through it without going into a deep depression (been there, and I don't ever want to go back).


The girls' attitudes are terrible, but I am the one with the inability to respond well and the emotional meltdown everyday that just makes it worse.


We cannot take a break, or I would.


What things to you do to handle stress? :bigear::bigear:

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Let me know when you figure it out! I feel like we've been spiraling downwards here too.


Some things that have helped:

-Get up and get it done. If I just DO the things hanging over my head, I feel better.

-Clean the house.

-Make a to-do list so I can see that it's really simple stuff and not overwhelming.

-Talk to friends. Confide. Cry. Drink wine.

-Schedule time out with friends.

-Get outside every day.

-Take a break from school, but put a limit on it like one day or one week. Use that time to indulge, rest up, do whatever so that you can recommit.

-Write. Blog. Get it out.

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Sometimes when the kids were younger and I felt I needed a break I actually did more with them. But, I am talking making hot cocoa and reading out loud or playing outside with them, building a train track all over the living room floor or mixing up baking soda and vinegar in film canisters. I think I needed a break from the nagging, not from my kids. Also helped me just to enjoy them more. Now they are teens and pretty independent. Now I miss when they were little! Well, not really, I am just amazed at how tall my boys are now.

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I usually end up screaming my head off in one big blowout of an "I don't get any respect around here!!!" tantrum, go and cry, refuse any mumbled apologies from my loser family and cry some more, apologize myself for screaming, and then get back to the grind when I feel like it. By then I love them again. :D


Mature, huh? I try really hard to avoid the first part of that scenario and I'm getting better at it, but not totally yet.

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Do more reading aloud, less written work. Watch videos. ,meal prep Sundays-it is hard but so worth it. Have hubby take kids one evening and go get a manicure amd read People. Wake up early one day and meditate, pray, breathe. Determine you WILL stop your day a 2 (or whenever) even if you are "not done". Have dh give the kids a talking to. Play educational games. Audio books. Computer games-dreambox, time4learning, mathwhizz, labyrnth. Take the dogs for a long walk on the beach. Work out. Stretch. Take a bubble bath. Get a pedicure. Get a massage. Laugh nstead of cry. Play Wii with the kids.



Okay, so maybe this is my list. :grouphug:

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My answer is really boring: I make an extra strong effort to exercise (like a minimum of 45 mins a day), eat really well and get to bed early. I also take a couple really good books out of the library. When I exercise and eat well I feel like I am taking care of myself. The sleep is the hardest thing for me to do so when I give that extra effort, it is sort of a reminder that I need some care. The good book is because I always love escaping into somewhere else.


So, I know it isn't much and sounds dull, but I have come to think of those things as basic care and feeding of me. If I put effort there I feel it in the rest of my life. The good sleep still eludes me, though.

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Exercise, hard exercise, at least 5X per week. Also drink plenty of water, at least 2L. I find I am so much more patient when I am properly hydrated. I am a much kinder, patient parent that handles stressful situations without always losing it when I get plenty of exercise and water.


I hope you find something that works for you soon. :grouphug:

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My answer is really boring: I make an extra strong effort to exercise (like a minimum of 45 mins a day), eat really well and get to bed early. I also take a couple really good books out of the library. When I exercise and eat well I feel like I am taking care of myself. The sleep is the hardest thing for me to do so when I give that extra effort, it is sort of a reminder that I need some care. The good book is because I always love escaping into somewhere else.


So, I know it isn't much and sounds dull, but I have come to think of those things as basic care and feeding of me. If I put effort there I feel it in the rest of my life. The good sleep still eludes me, though.


:iagree::iagree: This is my plan, too. I can do all of it except get to bed early. I TRY, I really TRY, but I start reading and all of a sudden 3 hours have passed. :banghead:


But those small things really make a difference with me. I'd love a massage, a pedicure, other things like that, and sometimes I do those things. But if I am taking care of me in those basic ways, I can handle most things.


Hang in there, mama. At least you recognize you need something, and I hope you can find what works for you. :grouphug:

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I have a lot of things going on in my life right now that are really hard. I am having a hard time getting through it without going into a deep depression (been there, and I don't ever want to go back).


The girls' attitudes are terrible, but I am the one with the inability to respond well and the emotional meltdown everyday that just makes it worse.


We cannot take a break, or I would.


What things to you do to handle stress? :bigear::bigear:


The last two years have been the most difficult of my life. I am not even kidding. Physically: Exercise helped a lot. I also started watching what I ate. The time I spent taking care of myself physically, was also the time I had to be alone. Spiritually: My faith was also a huge factor. I knew that I could get through anything with God.

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Thank you!! I see some things that I can start doing right now, and some things that I can start adding in.


We had a better day today, and actually got everything I had planned done. And only a few attitude problems to deal with (from all of us). :D

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I usually end up screaming my head off in one big blowout of an "I don't get any respect around here!!!" tantrum, go and cry, refuse any mumbled apologies from my loser family and cry some more, apologize myself for screaming, and then get back to the grind when I feel like it. By then I love them again. :D


Mature, huh? I try really hard to avoid the first part of that scenario and I'm getting better at it, but not totally yet.


Lol. Thank you for your honesty!


We all have these days and anyone who says she never does is lying or hitting the wine too hard, and doesn't remember.:tongue_smilie:


I have noticed that when they are horrible one day and you think you can't take it anymore, they are better the next day.

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The last two years have been the most difficult of my life. I am not even kidding. Physically: Exercise helped a lot. I also started watching what I ate. The time I spent taking care of myself physically, was also the time I had to be alone. Spiritually: My faith was also a huge factor. I knew that I could get through anything with God.


Me too. Worst years of my life, and I can't even exercise, well, not much.


Yes, without God, I wouldn't even be here. He is the only way to make it through and I can't imagine my life not knowing this. I am pretty sure it would be far worse.

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When at the end of my rope I tie a knot and hang on tighter.


Then I pray, and focus on my health making sure I am eating and sleeping well. If I am getting like that and I think my depression will flare I book an appt with a shrink asap, BEFORE the depression hits. Sometimes having that person to talk to is enough to thwart the depression, and if not I have already been getting seen so getting medication to treat is much faster.

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