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When your child is diagnosed with leukemia....


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:grouphug: and blessings for your family. I am so sorry to hear of this.


Hunter's post up-thread has much good sense in it.


I like adventure stories -- the really good ones -- in hard & confusing times ... the Narnia stories, then the Prydain Chronicles, and then the Hobbit would keep you in adventure for a while.

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This occurred to me and I wanted to give it a separate post -- it may or may not suit -- we are listening to this audio version of Pilgrim's Progress right now, a bit at a time, and Button (7) is interested & enjoying it and I am finding it very sustaining. It's not a good read-aloud for your main one, or for long stretches at that age, but might bring something good to your days.


The story is, as you may or may not, quite essentially non-denominational -- I first studied it as a Catholic, and now as not a Catholic, and am struck by how powerful and beautiful it is.

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My heart goes out to you, your son and your whole family. We do know of a local girl who has gone though it twice with the second one being a different type and she is doing well from what I know.


We will pray for your son's health, full recovery and peace in his heart and your whole family's through this stressful time.


I'll ask my kids to put together a list of their book reccomendations and PM them to you. I bet they can come up with some good ones. What kinds of things does he like?


and...to join in your siggy line,

Love your Sister in Christ...

Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solus Christus and Soli Deo Gloria!



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LizzyBee sent me a link to a blog (stevemckinion.com) and last night I finally felt ready to look at it and read some of it. It was encouraging and frightening at the same time :-) I emailed it to my husband who is home with our other kids. So this morning we were walking down the hallway (we had gone to get some movies) and I see McKinion, H on the door next to us. I asked the nurse and lo and behold it is Harrison next door! So this morning I got to chat with Steve for awhile and tomorrow I will get to meet Ginger! They will be an amazing resource for us! I don't know if Harrison and Gabriel will get to spend much time together because Harrison is further along in his treatment but for Jay and I at the very least, this couple is going to be a huge blessing, I can tell!! God is sooo good!


Thanks for all the book recommendations. I am thinking Narnia and Pilgrim's Progress right now. Pilgrim's Progress came to mind recently and I was glad to see it on here too. We read A Dangerous Journey which is the kids version with pictures, so maybe this year we can venture into the harder one with the audio to help us along. We read The Magician's Nephew recently and my kids loved it so we will probably pick that up again.....


Please keep praying for our little man. He is holding up well so far but the steroids are beginning to make him cranky at times and his back is sore from surgery. Mom is exhausted from him wetting the bed at night like three times every night. And I can't touch any of it because I'm pregnant and the meds are dangerous for the baby. Also, he gets a scary drug on Friday called PEG that can cause severe allergic reactions and almost took Harrison's life. Please pray he will not have any reactions and we will go home on Saturday.


Thank you all for your kinds words of encouragement.....

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LizzyBee sent me a link to a blog (stevemckinion.com) and last night I finally felt ready to look at it and read some of it. It was encouraging and frightening at the same time :-) I emailed it to my husband who is home with our other kids. So this morning we were walking down the hallway (we had gone to get some movies) and I see McKinion, H on the door next to us. I asked the nurse and lo and behold it is Harrison next door! So this morning I got to chat with Steve for awhile and tomorrow I will get to meet Ginger! They will be an amazing resource for us! I don't know if Harrison and Gabriel will get to spend much time together because Harrison is further along in his treatment but for Jay and I at the very least, this couple is going to be a huge blessing, I can tell!! God is sooo good!



That is incredible! I almost asked whether you happen to be in the Raleigh area, but I didn't. Do you live in this area, or were you just sent here for your son's treatment?

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UNC Chapel Hill Children's Hospital is where they sent us for his treatment. I think they pretty much treat a lot of the kids in the state here. There are many people here from farther away. I also found out that a girl in Gabriel's CC class went through leukemia from the age of 3-5 1/2 and is now 9 so she is going to come over and talk to me when I get home....

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Good friends of ours have 3 children; the youngest was diagnosed with leukemia when he was about 4yo. It was a rough few years going through treatment, and it did cause some delays for him academically (they believe the chemo did have some mild effects on brain development)... BUT, there were no reoccurrences, and he has been clean ever since!


AND... Jonathon just graduated from (private Christian) high school in May, with a full golf scholarship to a small Christian college in Northern CA, and is really enjoying his first semester as a "college man"! :)


God is good. There are MANY success stories! Prayers for protection of your hearts, and for healing of your child's body. Blessings, Lori D.

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So sorry to hear you are going through this. How terribly difficult. :grouphug:


I don't know if your son is sensitive to stories about "girls" but if not, Stories From Grandma's Attic are some nice heart-warming stories about the "old days." Things Grandma did as a little girl that were foolish, or silly, or what have you... they always turn out well in the end and each chapter is a stand-alone story. My boys (ages 8 & 9) love Grandma's Attic stories. :)

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UNC Chapel Hill Children's Hospital is where they sent us for his treatment. I think they pretty much treat a lot of the kids in the state here. There are many people here from farther away. I also found out that a girl in Gabriel's CC class went through leukemia from the age of 3-5 1/2 and is now 9 so she is going to come over and talk to me when I get home....


I sent you a PM.

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