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iPad app for Math Facts above 10?


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We're at the point of doing math facts over 10 (for ds6 doing Singapore 1a). He's been doing GREAT up until now but struggling a little to think about "making 10" with both addition and subtraction (funny is he's not having much problem coming up with the correct answers, just doesn't think in the terms of "making 10"). I'll admit that I don't necessarily think in those terms either - especially for subtraction.


Anyway, if there are any tips of helping him more in this area (he's always been mathy).


And most importantly, are there any good iPad apps that would help him practice his math facts over 10?

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We've been using the Splash Math 1st grade for dd to help reinforce fact practice and she loves it. It's a bit pricy for an app ($10 for all the levels) but it really is a complete program and I would spend at least that on a paper workbook. She's also been using xtramath.org. It is good at covering facts, but dd doesnt like it as much because being timed makes her a bit nervous.

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I bought Fast Facts Math today. The app with + - * / was $5. Just addition is $2. My dd is having a really hard time committing math facts to memory so I'm hoping this helps. If she answers a problem wrong, she can look at the card that explains the problem.


We also have Math Splash 1 and 2. The kids enjoyed 1, but dd gets frustrated with 2. It doesnt show how to do it or what the right answer is if they miss it. She basically forgot everything over the summer. So we are relearning facts.


Math Mammoth is out main curricum.

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