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I stepped out of my comfort zone tonight...and enjoyed it!


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Tonight I did something I never thought I would do. My dh and I went to our first karate class! I am on such an emotional high right now. I'm so proud of myself for trying something new!


My older 2 kids started karate about 2 1/2 years ago. They are both green belts. The little one started about a month and a half ago. She already knows her kata and most of the white belt moves. Our sensei had talked about doing an adult class for a while, but he never had the time or support. Last month he finally decided to go ahead with it. My dh was so excited to sign up. He finally talked me into signing up with him. I was so skeptical. Why would I want to try something My kids are better at than I am? Wouldn't that be embarrassing?


Tonight was our first class. I felt so dumb walking in there with my wimpy white belt while my kids strutted in with their awesome green belts. I was at the same level as my 5yo!!! So class starts in our tiny dojo. Dh, my friend, and I are in class with all the kids. Lame. Then we break off into groups. Our sensei's dd ( a homeschool grad and a brown belt) takes the grown-ups and teaches us the basics. As soon as we started, I felt powerful. It felt so good to use my body in a powerful way. I had my dh and my dear friend next to me. We were sweating within minutes. We were laughing at our various aches while attempting to do roundhouse kicks. We stumbled through our kata like the silly old people we are. I loved every minute of it!


All of that can be boiled down into "You are never too old to learn something new." Ladies, go out and try something new! You won't regret it.

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Nice job!


Not only are you an inspiration to us, but what a great example to set for your kids :D


I loved that you said you walked in in your wimpy white belt, same as your five year old LOL.


I totally had my 5yo show me how to do the rest of the kata after we got home!:lol:

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Yay! It is hard to try that first new thing, but it becomes addictive! We started with dance lessons, then kayaking, next we want work on rock climbing. I need to get my whimpy body in shape first, because one climb wore me out lol. We have grand plans!


:lol: Dh and I have been working out together for the last 4 months. We have been doing Power 90 (the thing you do before P90x). We thought we were so awesome since P90 includes kickboxing moves. Boy were we wrong! We were cataloging our various aches after class tonight. We are looking forward to Thursday night and our next class! No pain, no gain, right?

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I am so happy to read this! My kids started karate several months ago, and the teacher invited parents to join in - I conveniently had my 2yo to watch, so I couldn't, but I wondered if it would be something I *could* do!


Our schedules have now changed enough that DH can watch 2yo, and *I AM STARTING MY FIRST CLASS THIS FRIDAY!*


Kinda nervous, LOL.

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I am so happy to read this! My kids started karate several months ago, and the teacher invited parents to join in - I conveniently had my 2yo to watch, so I couldn't, but I wondered if it would be something I *could* do!


Our schedules have now changed enough that DH can watch 2yo, and *I AM STARTING MY FIRST CLASS THIS FRIDAY!*


Kinda nervous, LOL.


:hurray: You may feel dumb at first, but you will love it. I never realized how nice of a workout it was. And the thought that if I continue with this I could kick a guy's arse? Priceless!

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