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Geography blobs from The Core


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Have you tried Uncle Josh's Outline Maps? They have a .pdf CD-ROM and the copyright is fairly liberal for the classroom setting. I am part of a co-op (not CC) and am using the Map of the World as well as the Central America and Europe maps. They also have zoomed in shots of the Iraq (Mesopotamia), India, Asia if you are inquiring for CC Cycle 1. I bought the Uncle Josh's after we did one year of CC and decided not to continue with it. I like the UJO maps a lot more than anything that was offered through CC. They may have better mapping materials now that they revamped everything though. I also like the maps presented in the SOTW AG, but the copyright license does not allow for group settings.

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I tried using draw write now. It is a great program, but I had a hard time with it, and in the end didn't keep up with it and let it slip. I just got Mapping the world by heart and I am going to try that this year. Andrew Pudewa (IEW) mentioned it at the conference as a good geography for mastery. I have read through the teacher manual, and it looks really good. It is at Homeschool Co-op for another week.



I can say don't buy the core's foundation guide as it does not have the map outlines in it.

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I am using maps from the Map Trek Atlas (I printed them out from the included CD), and other maps which I found using Google Images.


OH my goodness!! I completely forgot I had these books and CDs on my shelf in my garage. WOO HOO!! I'm off to check it out and see if any will work. THANKS for the reminder!

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I scanned the blob drawing in Draw Write Now 7. Then I cropped and enlarged it, and printed it out on 8x11 paper. I tried a bunch of other things first and was disappointed and stressed. I'm pretty OCD though, so :tongue_smilie:


Great idea! I'm going to do this. If I can ever get my scanner to work, it's acting up for some reason.

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  • 5 months later...

I know this is an old thread, but I have been searching the forum on this topic today, and wanted to share a helpful outline map. You can select to have just the lines you want on there and can save it as a pdf. http://www.worksheetworks.com/geography/world.html


I found it because of this helpful blog post: http://www.whispersprings.com/homeschooling/learning-geography-by-heart/


and this blog post is also helpful because of the pages of the Core it showed (I've read it but didn't have it with me): http://www.americanadiangirl.com/2012/03/blobbing-continents.html



Hope this helps the next person searching for this topic!

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Funny this thread should re-appear today. I read the Core a looooong time ago and remembered loving the chapter on geography, but never implemented it. My 8 year old was asking where something was today, so I quickly whipped out the book, briefly scanned the chapter, and did lesson one on the fly. She loved it and re-created her map several times on the white board. Tonight at dinner with my in-laws, she asked for a piece of paper and drew it for them. Not to be outdone by her little sister, my 14-year old daughter flipped the paper over and did her own memory map of the world. Folks, other than forgetting India all together and having Africa significantly too far south, it was shockingly detailed and surprisingly accurate. I had no idea she could do that. When asked by grandma where she learned to draw the world, she mumbled something about having been homeschooled most of her life, of course she knows her geography. Take heart, they're learning even more than we think!


Sorry, I have no advice on maps though. We were using a globe and the drawings in Chapter 7 of The Core.

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my 14-year old daughter flipped the paper over and did her own memory map of the world. Folks, other than forgetting India all together and having Africa significantly too far south, it was shockingly detailed and surprisingly accurate. I had no idea she could do that. When asked by grandma where she learned to draw the world, she mumbled something about having been homeschooled most of her life, of course she knows her geography.



That's awesome!!!!! :)

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