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Because I'm gloomy and sick

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How does one deal with conflicted emotions?


For me it's the anger I feel at having chronic auto immune diseases. I feel angry, sad, bitter at the unfairness, pity, anxiety, and fear. At the same time I feel grateful and thankful for so many things in my life, and grateful that I don't have more serious illnesses.


It's a confusing jumble of emotions. I then get angry at myself for having all the above mentioned negative feelings. I tell myself I'm being selfish and dumb and I need to snap out of it. That does not help my mood.


I don't know. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

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:grouphug: Sounds very hard.


Remember that just because some people are much sicker than you, that doesn't mean that you aren't entitled to feel bad about your condition. It is how it is, and you are allowed to have the feelings you have! Be gentle on yourself.

Edited by Hotdrink
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:grouphug: Sounds very hard.


Remember that just because some people are much sicker than you, that doesn't mean that you aren't entitled to feel bad about your condition. It is hwo it is, and you are allowed to have the feelings you have! Be gentle on yourself.


:iagree: It's very difficult when your body rebels against you. Why should you shove those feelings down because other people have bigger issues? I'm not saying hide in your room and wallow in the self-pity forever, but chronic health issues are frustrating when you're trying to go about your life, and it is perfectly normal to feel frustrated when they rear their heads.


Don't beat yourself up for feeling what you feel. :grouphug:

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