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Chicken owners: Do you sell your eggs?

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They are not "just extras". They are fresh eggs from humanely raised hens. That's what determines their worth.


Our chickens are free-ranged and our eggs are fresh. We charge $4 a dozen. It was actually a friend of mine who set the price when I offered them to her for less. She pointed out what farmer market prices were and wouldn't let me undervalue the eggs. People that want fresh eggs will willingly pay that price.


At $4 a dozen we just cover food costs. You can't offer your eggs at grocery store prices because keeping hens humanely on a small scale is simply more expensive.

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When we have them (not always, we usually eat all we get), we sell them for $3.00/dozen. I used to sell them for $2.50 to be the lady with the cheap farm fresh eggs, but when I realized they sell them at the Farmer's Market for $4.00 - $4.50 per dozen, I popped it up a bit. I could easily go to $3.50 I think but will stick with $3.00 for now. We have an active farmer's goods FB swap page in our area, and there are always eggs on there so if I want them to move, I can't go too high.

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If so, what do you charge for a dozen? We have a surplus of eggs and a whole bunch of local friends who want to buy them from us. It seems unfair to charge $4 or $5 a dozen since we're just selling our extras, but it would be really nice to make something to offset the cost of the feed.


I sell them to friends for $2/dozen. I figure it's a good deal for both of us.

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After we had our first surplus, I found a local co-op to sell my extras thru each week. I charge $3 a dozen. Other sellers sell theirs for up to $5 a dozen depending on if they are fully pastured, free range, special chickens, and so on. When I have duck eggs to sell, those go for $6 a dozen. I do weigh mine to make sure they are all at least mediums before I put them in the sale cartons. The small ones are what I use for my personal cooking.


That being said, I do sell them to a couple of friends for $1 a dozen. They are close friends who are having a hard time financially but want good, fresh eggs. For others, I will sometimes trade 3 clean, usable cartons for 1 dozen eggs. A new carton starts at 30cents and goes up from there if I have to buy them. Yet another person I trade 1 dozen eggs for 1 pound of meal worms/june bugs or what ever bug he is pulling off of his organic garden that my chickens will eat.


When you start selling them, you do need to be aware of local laws. My eggs have to be cleaned, and the labels must have certain information. I can reuse old cartons but some areas say that cartons must always be new.

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We give them to friends. My DH doesn't like strangers coming around our place.

This is exactly why I started selling thru a co-op. The members order online. I deliver on the day the co-op is open. I collect my money. We do it again next week. Even my friends will pick up their eggs from dh at his work rather than come to my house. I have another friend that sells hers to a local health food store. And another that sells hers thru a man at the farmer's market. None of us like to have strangers come to our homes.


And no, I don't make enough to cover feed, but every little bit helps.

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When my DH isn't giving them away. :001_huh: I asked him the other day if he thought they were free, magic eggs. Not that I'm opposed to gifting them as I have given many. The difference is that I'll give 6 here 6 there of surplus. DH on the other hand gave away a dozen out of 18 eggs. I was a little ticked because I had plans for those eggs, as in dinner plans that night. :glare:


None the less the only paying customer we have had thus far is my neighbor who realizes the work and feed required to have healthy chickens and fresh eggs. Our rate is $3 dozen.

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