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Has this ever happened to anyone?

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I cut into my spaghetti squash tonight to halve it for baking and found that all the seeds had sprouted.


Is it still good to eat? It was such a bizarre thing to see


Here is some pics, 1st of the seeds still in half, and then a closer image of 1 since the first looked more like worms lol

Edited by swellmomma
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I don't know what they all saw, but I saw a squash. :lol: I'd have no problem eating the squash. IMO, it is nice to know the food was alive enough to sprout. ;)


What they saw was the result of me not double checking which picture folder I opened and posting 2 pics of my youngest. (The folder of pics from my camera do not show the image when I am picking them to upload so if I do not double check the folder I don't notice I am posting the wrong stuff)

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